7 votes

Opeth – §3 (2024)


  1. tomorrow-never-knows
    (edited )
    I've really enjoyed their prog rock period over the last several years but I'll admit that hearing the growls back in the mix has me super excited!

    I've really enjoyed their prog rock period over the last several years but I'll admit that hearing the growls back in the mix has me super excited!

    3 votes
  2. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Oh, wow. I haven't listened to Opeth in forever. Cool to see they are still around and making music! Apparently this is from their upcoming album, The Last Will and Testament, which is set for...

    Oh, wow. I haven't listened to Opeth in forever. Cool to see they are still around and making music! Apparently this is from their upcoming album, The Last Will and Testament, which is set for release in Oct. I'm definitely going to have to listen to it once it's released. Thanks for reminding me of their existence, mycketforvirrad. :)

    1 vote