28 votes

Weekly US politics news and updates thread - week of June 19

This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant US political content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate topic, but almost all should be posted in here.

This is an inherently political thread; please try to avoid antagonistic arguments and bickering matches. Comment threads that devolve into unproductive arguments may be removed so that the overall topic is able to continue.


  1. [3]
    Trump gives Fox News new excuse for not giving back boxes of secret documents So he was fully aware that there were materials that belonged to the National Archives, but is apparently admitting...

    Trump gives Fox News new excuse for not giving back boxes of secret documents

    “I want to go through the boxes and get all my personal things out. I don’t want to hand that over to (National Archives) yet. And I was very busy, as you’ve sort of seen,” he said.

    So he was fully aware that there were materials that belonged to the National Archives, but is apparently admitting that he willfully and knowingly refused to hand them over because he was “busy”.

    10 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      It's so amazing that he's able to get lawyers to willingly work with him, given what a horrible client he must be. I'm sure in his own mind this all made sense, like they'd see it as "just an...

      It's so amazing that he's able to get lawyers to willingly work with him, given what a horrible client he must be. I'm sure in his own mind this all made sense, like they'd see it as "just an innocent mistake", like he just needed some extra time to separate his golf pants from classified documents related to our nuclear arsenal, what's your problem, bro? Nevermind the multiple lies and the runaround he gave authorities over what could have been a minor event. He wanted to keep these documents for himself, worst case was for leverage or to sell to the highest bidder, best case was he just wanted a trophy from his time in office. Regardless, he's been treated with kid gloves this entire time and it's ridiculous compared to the treatment that almost anybody else would've gotten for doing even a fraction of what he's done.

      2 votes
      1. AFuddyDuddy
        Link Parent
        His recent team was paid up front. $3m for the year. I'd represent him too, for $3m upfront, until the money ran out.

        His recent team was paid up front.

        $3m for the year.

        I'd represent him too, for $3m upfront, until the money ran out.

        2 votes
  2. [5]
    Judge bars Trump from disclosing — or keeping — evidence in documents case I wonder how they could enforce this, besides making them only view them in a SCIF. Trump is obviously untrustworthy,...

    Judge bars Trump from disclosing — or keeping — evidence in documents case

    A federal judge issued a protective order Monday barring former President Donald Trump from disclosing on social media — or keeping — evidence set to be turned over to him by the government in the classified documents case.

    The order against Trump and Walt Nauta, his co-defendant in the criminal case alleging he mishandled national security information, prohibits them from sharing evidence federal investigators are set to begin turning over to their lawyers as part of the discovery process in the case.

    I wonder how they could enforce this, besides making them only view them in a SCIF. Trump is obviously untrustworthy, especially when it comes to classified documents.

    8 votes
    1. psi
      Link Parent
      Per the protective order, the materials must be stored with Trump's defense counsel (i.e., not Trump). Even if Trump doesn't care about breaking the protective order, his lawyers surely care about...

      Per the protective order, the materials must be stored with Trump's defense counsel (i.e., not Trump).

      1. Defendants’ Review of Discovery Materials. Defendants shall only have access to Discovery Materials under the direct supervision of Defense Counsel or a member of Defense Counsel’s staff. Defendants shall not retain copies of Discovery Material. Defendants may take notes regarding Discovery Materials, but such notes shall be stored securely by Defense Counsel or a member of Defense Counsel’s staff in the same manner as the Discovery Materials.

      Even if Trump doesn't care about breaking the protective order, his lawyers surely care about not being be sanctioned (or worse).

      2 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      Wouldn't he be held in contempt and thrown in jail for something like 180 days in addition to w/e outcome from the proceedings?

      Wouldn't he be held in contempt and thrown in jail for something like 180 days in addition to w/e outcome from the proceedings?

      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        How would they know though? It’s basically the honour system. Unless they have someone physically in the room with the documents at all times, how can they prevent him from photocopying the...

        How would they know though? It’s basically the honour system. Unless they have someone physically in the room with the documents at all times, how can they prevent him from photocopying the documents and just lying about it?

        1. Hidegger
          Link Parent
          All of the documents are things he was already in possession of and could have already made copies of aside from new prosecution filings that reference the classified documents. It's more or less...

          All of the documents are things he was already in possession of and could have already made copies of aside from new prosecution filings that reference the classified documents. It's more or less telling him if he leaks anything about the case and is found out that he would face consequences. Same as if he made copies previously of anything that has already been seized and was now found to be in possession of. Him being untrustworthy with the docs would be at his own demise essentially. It doesn't prevent him from doing something illegal (again) it adds more severe and immediate punishment if he is found out.

  3. skybrian
    3 mass shootings reported in Chicago area in two-day span over the weekend (NBS Chicago) [...] It seems kind of odd how quickly it disappeared from the front pages compared to other mass shootings?

    3 mass shootings reported in Chicago area in two-day span over the weekend (NBS Chicago)

    The deadly mass shooting in a southwest Chicago suburb was the largest of the weekend. Two other shootings were reported in the city of Chicago, each involving at least five people, authorities said.


    The second and most violent incident took place just before 12:30 a.m. Sunday, when gunfire erupted during a celebration in Willowbrook.

    The DuPage County Sheriff’s office said the Juneteenth celebration near Hinsdale Lake Terrace was peaceful, but turned violent during the early morning hours.

    Multiple weapons were fired during the incident, with police saying an unknown number of suspects opened fire into the crowd.

    One person was killed and at least 22 were wounded as of Monday morning, according to the sheriff’s office. Several other people were injured as they ran from the gunfire, according to authorities.

    It seems kind of odd how quickly it disappeared from the front pages compared to other mass shootings?

    7 votes
  4. unkz
    Trump classified documents trial date set for Aug. 14

    Trump classified documents trial date set for Aug. 14

    A Florida federal judge on Tuesday scheduled the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump for his alleged illegal retention of classified government documents to begin Aug. 14.

    But experts do not expect the trial to begin nearly so early, given the time needed to resolve complicated legal issues before a jury could hear testimony and be presented with evidence.

    2 votes
  5. pridefulofbeing
    From News Minimalist - 6/19/2023 Russia claims Ukraine demilitarized despite evidence to the contrary (Newsweek) Kakhovka Dam collapse in Ukraine caused by Russia, according to drone photos and...

    From News Minimalist - 6/19/2023

    Russia claims Ukraine demilitarized despite evidence to the contrary (Newsweek)

    Russian officials claimed on Saturday that Ukraine had been demilitarized, in line with Moscow's invasion of the country, despite evidence to the contrary. The invasion began in February 2022, with Russia citing a number of justifications that were quickly scrutinized as dubious by experts. One of the claims made frequently by Russia has been about the need to demilitarize Ukraine. However, Ukraine has arguably more military hardware than ever before thanks to international aid. Since the start of the invasion, Ukraine has received tens of billions of dollars worth of military aid from Western allies like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

    Kakhovka Dam collapse in Ukraine caused by Russia, according to drone photos and information (ABC News)

    The collapse of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine, which led to deadly flooding and widespread evacuations, was caused by Russia, according to exclusive drone photos and information obtained by The Associated Press. Images taken from above the dam appear to show an explosive-laden car atop the structure, and two officials said Russian troops were stationed in a crucial area inside the dam where the Ukrainians said the explosion which destroyed it was centred. The dam's destruction led to deadly flooding, endangered crops in the world's breadbasket, threatened drinking water supplies for thousands and unleashed an environmental catastrophe.

    Austrian intelligence agency prevents Islamist terror attack on Vienna gay pride parade (Financial Times)

    Austria's intelligence agency has prevented an Islamist terror attack on Vienna's annual gay pride parade. Three male suspects, Austrian citizens of Bosnian and Chechen heritage aged 14, 17 and 20, were apprehended by a Swat team after attempts to undertake "preparatory actions" for an attack. The plotters had been kept under "constant surveillance" and were allegedly planning to attack participants in the parade with weapons, including air guns, sabres and axes that were seized by police, as well as possibly using a car to drive into the crowd. The suspects had been radicalised online, with the DSN monitoring their consumption of Isis-linked propaganda.

    10 votes
  6. Comment removed by site admin
  7. [3]
    Comment removed by site admin
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      US conservatives seem to have lots of issues with nuance lately. I've seen lots of people talking about tribalism on "both sides," yet it usually seems to be the Right circling the wagons while...

      US conservatives seem to have lots of issues with nuance lately. I've seen lots of people talking about tribalism on "both sides," yet it usually seems to be the Right circling the wagons while the Left doesn't when one of their own faces appropriate consequences. They'll find something new to latch on to that somehow "proves" the Democratic party is corrupt and evil and "their guys" are heroic and just.

      6 votes
      1. paddirn
        Link Parent
        If anything, Democrats almost seem too eager to throw their own under the bus when a hint of something bad comes out. I feel like I first started noticing it during Obama's first election...

        If anything, Democrats almost seem too eager to throw their own under the bus when a hint of something bad comes out. I feel like I first started noticing it during Obama's first election campaign, but then with Al Franken resigning for something that now likely wouldn't even make front page news. Democrats are so eager to appear perfect that they're quick to cut their own off at the knees, while Republicans will overlook infidelity, abortion, espionage, and pedophilia, as long as it maintains their hold.

        5 votes