31 votes

Alexei Navalny: Russian opposition leader's jail term extended to nineteen years


  1. Wolf_359
    Wow, this quote from Navalny. I hope he outlives the Russian regime. Although he's 47 years old and survived Novichock poisoning, which apparently can have some nasty long-term effects including...

    Wow, this quote from Navalny.

    "Nineteen years in a special regime colony. The figure doesn't mean anything. I fully understand that, like many political prisoners my sentence is for life. Life is measured either by my lifespan or that of the regime."

    I hope he outlives the Russian regime. Although he's 47 years old and survived Novichock poisoning, which apparently can have some nasty long-term effects including shortened lifespan.

    22 votes
  2. SmolderingSauna
    He knew when he returned to Russia his sentence was 'for life.' Only heroes willingly make these choices: the rest of us merely tremble in awe.

    He knew when he returned to Russia his sentence was 'for life.' Only heroes willingly make these choices: the rest of us merely tremble in awe.

    11 votes