22 votes

Pentagon contracts reveal US prep for multinational force in Haiti, down to toothbrushes and WiFi


  1. updawg
    There was some discussion on Haiti in the post on Sudan so I figured I'd share this article about preparations for the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti.

    There was some discussion on Haiti in the post on Sudan so I figured I'd share this article about preparations for the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti.

    6 votes
  2. [3]
    I can respect this stance, it is a level headed decision. But why is the US getting involved in this at all? What strategic interests are there in Haiti?

    In response to a question later in the briefing, Biden also sought to explain why the US isn’t putting boots on the ground.

    “For the United States to deploy forces in the hemisphere just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented about what we’re trying to do… we want to do everything we can without once again looking like America is stepping over, deciding this is what must be done,” Biden said.

    I can respect this stance, it is a level headed decision. But why is the US getting involved in this at all? What strategic interests are there in Haiti?

    6 votes
    1. MimicSquid
      Link Parent
      Perhaps the strategic interest of looking like the USA can be a force for good? The total cost to the US is going to be a rounding error in the budget, and the ability to show that we can do...

      Perhaps the strategic interest of looking like the USA can be a force for good? The total cost to the US is going to be a rounding error in the budget, and the ability to show that we can do something other than military adventurism is priceless. If at some point we actually could put boots on the ground without it being assumed we're invading there's a lot more we could do.

      9 votes
    2. updawg
      Link Parent
      The US is the world leader in humanitarian missions. They see a lot of value in those for several reasons. One of the most overlooked is that it helps the military prep for wartime deployments and...

      The US is the world leader in humanitarian missions. They see a lot of value in those for several reasons. One of the most overlooked is that it helps the military prep for wartime deployments and contingency operations. The military puts a lot of value in being able to get almost anything anywhere within 72 hours. Obviously contracting extends the lead time in cases like this, but the general process is the same.

      6 votes