There is a lot and there is a lot all at once. IMO, there is likely much, much more we have yet to even have an inkling about. We get the results of indictments but very little in the form of...
There is a lot and there is a lot all at once. IMO, there is likely much, much more we have yet to even have an inkling about. We get the results of indictments but very little in the form of 'informed' speculation.
The Gordian Knot is beginning to loosen methinks. I can see a progression over time here that leaves no room for maneuvering in the end. The complexities of the investigation(s) are difficult to imagine. I suspect the public only has a fraction of the picture that will unfold. Watergate by comparison was a little split milk at the kindergarten. I say hurry up in repeatedly daily knowing full well this is going quickly by any standard.
Meanwhile, off to Russia and Rudy yelling at clouds.
Roger Stone, yes please, he along with Lee Atwater directly responsible for the paradigm shift in political skulduggery going way back to the Regan Administration. Julian Assange, there is likely...
Roger Stone, yes please, he along with Lee Atwater directly responsible for the paradigm shift in political skulduggery going way back to the Regan Administration. Julian Assange, there is likely plenty of evidence there, indictment won't mean much without extradition.
There is a lot and there is a lot all at once. IMO, there is likely much, much more we have yet to even have an inkling about. We get the results of indictments but very little in the form of 'informed' speculation.
The Gordian Knot is beginning to loosen methinks. I can see a progression over time here that leaves no room for maneuvering in the end. The complexities of the investigation(s) are difficult to imagine. I suspect the public only has a fraction of the picture that will unfold. Watergate by comparison was a little split milk at the kindergarten. I say hurry up in repeatedly daily knowing full well this is going quickly by any standard.
Meanwhile, off to Russia and Rudy yelling at clouds.
My guess is we're gonna see a few more people get indicted. Roger Stone and Julian Assange probably.
At least a few, if not more. The Nixon investigation took longer than this, and 48 people were indicted.
Roger Stone, yes please, he along with Lee Atwater directly responsible for the paradigm shift in political skulduggery going way back to the Regan Administration. Julian Assange, there is likely plenty of evidence there, indictment won't mean much without extradition.