34 votes

Trump openly admits he believes Putin instead of US Intelligence over 2016 election interference

Asked whether he believes US intel or Putin, Trump goes on tirade against FBI over "DNC Server", says it's not clear who to believe. https://t.co/d7Viw1Vn4B


  1. [7]
    Impeach this traitor. Then impeach Pence. That bastard has abetted Trump the whole time. Hell, prosecute the whole godforsaken Republican party (under the RICO Act, if we can manage it). This...

    Impeach this traitor. Then impeach Pence. That bastard has abetted Trump the whole time. Hell, prosecute the whole godforsaken Republican party (under the RICO Act, if we can manage it). This bullshit must end.

    18 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Far more reasons to prosecute the Democrats. Maybe if we take out both parties, we can finally get a real election where third parties stand a chance? AFAIK, Pence has done nothing for which he...

      Far more reasons to prosecute the Democrats. Maybe if we take out both parties, we can finally get a real election where third parties stand a chance?

      AFAIK, Pence has done nothing for which he could be legitimately impeached. (I'm not sure Trump has either)

      4 votes
      1. edison_the_dog
        Link Parent
        How do you figure? The NRA has been used as a backchannel to the GOP leadership, which suggests this goes fairly deep into the fundraising and financial support infrastructure of the Republican...

        Far more reasons to prosecute the Democrats.

        How do you figure? The NRA has been used as a backchannel to the GOP leadership, which suggests this goes fairly deep into the fundraising and financial support infrastructure of the Republican party.

        I haven't seen anything remotely similar suggesting that the Democratic party is working for a foreign power. Sure, they have their demons and warts, and those individuals should be prosecuted, but it really looks at this point like the entire GOP is covering up evidence that the party infrastructure has been compromised by the Russian Federation.

        16 votes
      2. Parliament
        Link Parent
        Make an argument without using Cold War whataboutism tactics to deflect blame towards the Democrats. I can't take you seriously otherwise.

        Make an argument without using Cold War whataboutism tactics to deflect blame towards the Democrats. I can't take you seriously otherwise.

        10 votes
      3. teaearlgraycold
        Link Parent
        Without a coup you need an existing party to pass election reform laws. I can maybe see the Democrats doing that. Definitely not Republicans.

        Without a coup you need an existing party to pass election reform laws. I can maybe see the Democrats doing that. Definitely not Republicans.

        2 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Aren't comments like these the reason we're on here instead of Reddit? Aren't we here for intelligent, calm conversation instead of comments yelling about inpeachment?

      Aren't comments like these the reason we're on here instead of Reddit? Aren't we here for intelligent, calm conversation instead of comments yelling about inpeachment?

      1 vote
      1. rabidfurby
        Link Parent
        If Tildes had existed during the Watergate era, I think it would have been possible to have an intelligent, calm conversation about Nixon's crimes and the need to impeach him. I think the same...

        If Tildes had existed during the Watergate era, I think it would have been possible to have an intelligent, calm conversation about Nixon's crimes and the need to impeach him. I think the same applies here.

        1 vote
  2. [3]
    That's not what Trump said. He avoided giving an answer, and supported Putin's suggestion to investigate further with the assistance of Russian intelligence.

    That's not what Trump said. He avoided giving an answer, and supported Putin's suggestion to investigate further with the assistance of Russian intelligence.

    7 votes
    1. Parliament
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      So he's still ignoring his intel reports and soliciting help from the suspect of an investigation in that same investigation. As a forensic investigator myself, that is just hilariously moronic....

      So he's still ignoring his intel reports and soliciting help from the suspect of an investigation in that same investigation. As a forensic investigator myself, that is just hilariously moronic. Only slightly less moronic than openly siding with Putin over his own unanimous intel reports.

      11 votes
    2. Belds
      Link Parent
      You’re right, it was typical politician speak, it’s just that trump isn’t as good at it as most politicians. He should have just said “I trust my intelligence people” and left it at that. Or if he...

      You’re right, it was typical politician speak, it’s just that trump isn’t as good at it as most politicians. He should have just said “I trust my intelligence people” and left it at that. Or if he was a more experienced politician he would have just answered a completely different question than the one that was asked

      1 vote
  3. [5]

    US President Donald Trump has said he accepts US intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election - despite declining to do so just a day ago.


    But he told reporters that he misspoke and had meant to say he saw no reason why it was not Russia that meddled.

    3 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Which he then immediately undercut:

      Which he then immediately undercut:

      The US president added: "I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. A lot of people out there."

      14 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Yeah! But it's true, a lot of people out there.


        But it's true, a lot of people out there.

        2 votes
        1. 39hp
          Link Parent
          Politifact classifies this as: True.

          Politifact classifies this as: True.

          1 vote
        2. userexec
          Link Parent
          Technically correct is the best kind of correct.

          Technically correct is the best kind of correct.