arghdos's recent activity

  1. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: June/July 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I’ll put all 5 on Inertial Drift. Hope you and the doggo feel better soon!

    I’ll put all 5 on Inertial Drift.

    Hope you and the doggo feel better soon!

    1 vote
  2. Comment on I’ve stopped using box plots. Should you? in ~design

    Link Parent
    The problem with a histogram for my case is simply that I need to actually be able to convey which servers are underperforming, I.e., I’ll stick a label under each. But I’ll have to check out...

    The problem with a histogram for my case is simply that I need to actually be able to convey which servers are underperforming, I.e., I’ll stick a label under each. But I’ll have to check out seaborn, I’ve seen it many times and just never made the switch

    1 vote
  3. Comment on I’ve stopped using box plots. Should you? in ~design

    I read this the other day, and was left thinking… well, the other suggestions the author provides aren’t builtin to matplotlib (at least, at far as I could find) so I’m probably just gonna stick...

    I read this the other day, and was left thinking… well, the other suggestions the author provides aren’t builtin to matplotlib (at least, at far as I could find) so I’m probably just gonna stick with a boxplot 🤷.

    I typically use them for looking at e.g., the range of performance over many server nodes, to identify particularly slow outliers that end up limiting the overall simulation speed. Works okish for that.

  4. Comment on The Steam Deck now has over 5,000 Verified games in ~games

    Link Parent
    It basically doesn’t work with my TV (a TCL) at all. I get it to show up on HDMI 1/10 times maybe, and I know the wire is fine (e.g., works for a laptop). I found a forum post with someone with my...

    It basically doesn’t work with my TV (a TCL) at all. I get it to show up on HDMI 1/10 times maybe, and I know the wire is fine (e.g., works for a laptop). I found a forum post with someone with my exact issue at one point, but no solution.

    I just use it handheld and the dock for charging 🤷

    3 votes
  5. Comment on More than 2,000 pro-Palestinian protesters arrested across US campuses in ~news

    Link Parent
    It was clear before, if you were paying attention, but now there can be absolutely no doubt that the “free speech on campus is under threat” crowd has a giant caveat of “free conservative speech”,...

    It was clear before, if you were paying attention, but now there can be absolutely no doubt that the “free speech on campus is under threat” crowd has a giant caveat of “free conservative speech”, which also nicely outlines their rank hypocrisy

    21 votes
  6. Comment on Cartoons such as Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, or Avatar? in ~tv

    Some others that haven’t been mentioned Owl House Infinity Train (later seasons are kinda just ok) Adventure Time (though there’s lots of random episodes as well) Star Wars Rebels (if you’re into...

    Some others that haven’t been mentioned

    Owl House
    Infinity Train (later seasons are kinda just ok)
    Adventure Time (though there’s lots of random episodes as well)
    Star Wars Rebels (if you’re into Star Wars)

    18 votes
  7. Comment on Cartoons such as Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, or Avatar? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I enjoyed pantheon, but for entirely different reasons than scavengers reign. It was a pretty well thought out AI (ish) scenario, decent pacing, good characters, etc. Definitely worth the watch

    I enjoyed pantheon, but for entirely different reasons than scavengers reign. It was a pretty well thought out AI (ish) scenario, decent pacing, good characters, etc. Definitely worth the watch

    5 votes
  8. Comment on How Hertz’s bet on Teslas went horribly sideways in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Yeah, TechDirt had a bunch of reporting on this a few years ago:
    10 votes
  9. Comment on "Dune: Part Three" in the works, in addition to Denis Villeneuve adapation of "Nuclear War: A Scenario" in ~movies

  10. Comment on Lyme disease vaccine: Major test underway. All you need to know. in ~health

    Link Parent
    It’s not every tick, if that makes it any better. It needs to be a deer tick that’s been attached for a day or more (or at least, you suspect it has). This was the only time I’ve been on...

    It’s not every tick, if that makes it any better. It needs to be a deer tick that’s been attached for a day or more (or at least, you suspect it has). This was the only time I’ve been on doxycycline for Lyme (though I’m way more careful these days post hikes) and I live close enough that I’ve driven through Lyme (the town) in the last 3 months

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Lyme disease vaccine: Major test underway. All you need to know. in ~health

  12. Comment on The influencer who “reverses” Lupus with smoothies. Psychiatrist Brooke Goldner makes extraordinary claims about incurable diseases. It’s brought her a mansion, a Ferrari, and a huge social following. in ~health

    Link Parent
    The entire “wellness” space is almost indistinguishable from a grift at times. At the very least we could do things like regulate supplements so that people are not buying unsafe products:...

    The entire “wellness” space is almost indistinguishable from a grift at times.

    At the very least we could do things like regulate supplements so that people are not buying unsafe products:

    (The Dream also had a good episode on this:

    Doesn’t address the wellness grifter “”influencer”” tho

    15 votes
  13. Comment on Lyme disease vaccine: Major test underway. All you need to know. in ~health

    Link Parent
    Yeah, I’ve gotten Lyme before and had to do a pretty extensive treatment regime from a specialized tick borne illness doctor for 3-4 months to get rid of it. That was after catching the tick on me...

    Yeah, I’ve gotten Lyme before and had to do a pretty extensive treatment regime from a specialized tick borne illness doctor for 3-4 months to get rid of it.

    That was after catching the tick on me a day after being in the woods and starting the standard doxycycline course the day I found the tick.

    I’ll sign up to get this vaccine the first day it’s available to me.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on Looking for a good guide to gigs in ~music

    Jambase is pretty solid for major US metropolitan areas: Others like song kick will import a library and give you recs based on an area:...

    Jambase is pretty solid for major US metropolitan areas:

    Others like song kick will import a library and give you recs based on an area:

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Sci-fi author Vernor Vinge dead at 79 in ~books

    Link Parent
    Yes, but Children of the sky is probably my least favorite book of his. I’d recommend Rainbow’s End for a “newish” (this century) work of his

    Yes, but Children of the sky is probably my least favorite book of his. I’d recommend Rainbow’s End for a “newish” (this century) work of his

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Sci-fi author Vernor Vinge dead at 79 in ~books

    Oh man, this sucks. VV was one of my favorite authors. Everyone talks about Fire on the Deep and Deepness in the Sky, and for good reason: they’re both excellent. But he also wrote a bunch of...

    Oh man, this sucks. VV was one of my favorite authors.

    Everyone talks about Fire on the Deep and Deepness in the Sky, and for good reason: they’re both excellent. But he also wrote a bunch of other great books, e.g., the real time series (the peace war and marooned in real time), rainbows end, and true names are all worth your time. I have a collection or two of his short fiction as well, some of which are real fun.

    He was truly a master.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Once more with feeling: Banning TikTok is unconstitutional and won’t do shit to deal with any actual threats in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Ah, ok. Then clearly ByteDance is allowed to convert TikTok to a progressive web app and not be in violation of the law then? It’s not going through an App Store then! Russia Today can continue to...

    Ah, ok. Then clearly ByteDance is allowed to convert TikTok to a progressive web app and not be in violation of the law then? It’s not going through an App Store then!

    Russia Today can continue to do propaganda dressed up as “””journalism””” as long as the want, but lord help them if they decide to create an app?

    When people are trying to ban speech, they don’t fucking put “we are banning the speech of person or entity X” in the bill.

    Instead they ban books discussing LGBTQ/race by saying:

    The policy must include procedures to develop, periodically review, and evaluate feedback regarding
    the library collection to ensure the collection is appropriate for the age and maturity levels of the
    students who may access the materials, and suitable for, and consistent with, the educational mission
    of the school

    And making it a criminal offense for school employees found providing “obscene materials harmful for children”

    What matters is the effect of the bill, not the laughably false stated intent.

    7 votes
  18. Comment on Once more with feeling: Banning TikTok is unconstitutional and won’t do shit to deal with any actual threats in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    This is trivially false. Moderation is speech: Banning an application because you don’t like their moderation (or their potential to promote viewpoints) is...

    I don't think the resolution in question runs afoul of that because it doesn't describe content or ban specific speech

    This is trivially false. Moderation is speech:

    Section 230 allows for web operators, large and small, to moderate user speech and content as they see fit. This reinforces the First Amendment’s protections for publishers to decide what content they will distribute. Different approaches to moderating users’ speech allows users to find the places online that they like, and avoid places they don’t.

    Banning an application because you don’t like their moderation (or their potential to promote viewpoints) is effectively suppressing their speech, even if it’s the CCP’s viewpoint.

    8 votes
  19. Comment on A mistake in a Tesla and a panicked final call: The death of Angela Chao in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Fully submerged, yes. But it’s not like you have to go hunting for the manual to figure out how to open the door after losing power on a Camry.

    Fully submerged, yes. But it’s not like you have to go hunting for the manual to figure out how to open the door after losing power on a Camry.

    23 votes