teaearlgraycold's recent activity

  1. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    I've expanded the dynmap region by 1000 blocks in each direction. Now you can see @Bendvis's crazy tree.

    I've expanded the dynmap region by 1000 blocks in each direction.

    Now you can see @Bendvis's crazy tree.

    1 vote
  2. Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread

    Server host: tildes.nore.gg Dynmap: https://tildes.nore.gg Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and...

    Server host: tildes.nore.gg
    Dynmap: https://tildes.nore.gg
    Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html
    Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and Android) - Chrome
    Verification site: https://verify.tildes.nore.gg
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TildesMC

    The server operates on a soft whitelist. Anyone can log in and walk around, but you need a Tildes account to gain build access.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yes, it's very much like wine. Each bar has a year and an origin. I'll go back and get specific bars and vintages that I really enjoyed.

    Yes, it's very much like wine. Each bar has a year and an origin. I'll go back and get specific bars and vintages that I really enjoyed.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    "Only 5 ingredients" is laughable. The best chocolate has 1 or 2 ingredients, cacao and (optionally) sugar. We have a really exceptional chocolate brand in my city, Dandelion Chocolate. They show...

    "Only 5 ingredients" is laughable. The best chocolate has 1 or 2 ingredients, cacao and (optionally) sugar. We have a really exceptional chocolate brand in my city, Dandelion Chocolate. They show you how good chocolate can be if you take good care of your supply chain. The fact that you can eat their 100% cacao chocolate and enjoy it - in small bits - proves that. That pure stuff could be considered a health food.

    9 votes
  5. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

  6. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I live in San Francisco, supposedly a crime filled wasteland. It’s honestly far less bad than any other US coastal city I’ve visited in the last few years. I’ve never known of someone who got...

    I live in San Francisco, supposedly a crime filled wasteland. It’s honestly far less bad than any other US coastal city I’ve visited in the last few years. I’ve never known of someone who got mugged. Car break ins are rampant if you have stuff visible in your car and park on the street.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    I just hit a new PB on inclined bench press: 175lbs! That’s almost body weight for me. Granted, this was a one rep max. I can however do 3 sets of 3 reps at 165lbs. This week I also started using...

    I just hit a new PB on inclined bench press: 175lbs! That’s almost body weight for me. Granted, this was a one rep max. I can however do 3 sets of 3 reps at 165lbs. This week I also started using the 40lb dumbbells for Arnold presses. I can’t do reps with them like I could with the 35lb weights, but I’ll get there.

    I’m not super “progression” motivated when working out. It’s just fun to go to the gym. But it’s nice to see the numbers go up.

  8. Comment on Yarn, React, and Udemy. Help requested. in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I agree that hugo, or something like it, is the way to go. Don't use React for a static site. It's the completely wrong tool for the job. React exists for highly dynamic webpages.

    I agree that hugo, or something like it, is the way to go. Don't use React for a static site. It's the completely wrong tool for the job. React exists for highly dynamic webpages.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Are you a hiring manager/recruiter in tech? In this Circus Funhouse Mirror tech economy, how do candidates even get an interview? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I see it much more simply. If you work somewhere are you an owner of the business? Does someone get to own 100% of something just because they got there first? This is an issue with land - draw a...

    I see it much more simply. If you work somewhere are you an owner of the business? Does someone get to own 100% of something just because they got there first? This is an issue with land - draw a line around some dirt before anyone else gets there, shoot people that question you, and you own it. Never mind that you might end up charging people to use the land to grow crops while you sit on your ass. Never mind that your descendants, who did literally nothing for this land, will own it by default. Apparently that's your right. I'd argue for land use over land ownership.

    The same issues exist with businesses. Business owners, at least for small to medium sized businesses, work hard and often work hard alone for years before seeing success. But if it's been 10 years and you have 100 employees and you own 100% of the business doesn't that seem wrong? You're not doing 100% of the work. You have an outsized proportion of the work done by your hands. Maybe 2% with everyone else at an average of 0.99%. But it's clearly not just. And why should the first person in this company get to decide when it's sold, to whom, and under what terms? They're just a tiny minority of the company.

    So workers need to truly own the businesses they work at. What's ironic is that the capitalist hellscape of Silicon Valley is closer to that socialist dream than pretty much anywhere else. Employees get equity as a standard, early employees getting 1-3%. It's still lopsided in the founders and VC's favor, but it's a massive upgrade.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on US FCC closes “final loopholes” that keep prison phone prices exorbitantly high in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I like radical ideas. But what do we do with violent people?

    I like radical ideas. But what do we do with violent people?

    8 votes
  11. Comment on Are you a hiring manager/recruiter in tech? In this Circus Funhouse Mirror tech economy, how do candidates even get an interview? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I agree somewhat. The slave part comes from the fact that a few people own most of the means of production. Objectively I have a very comfortable life, even better than most of the owning class if...

    I agree somewhat. The slave part comes from the fact that a few people own most of the means of production. Objectively I have a very comfortable life, even better than most of the owning class if you consider my flexible expectations. But because generally I’m working to make someone else rich and because I need to work longer than the owning class I think we should have terminology to describe that power dynamic.

    Now, I could try to become an owner myself. If I do that I could only do so ethically, by creating a socialist co-op. Maybe I’ll pull it off one day.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

  13. Comment on Are you a hiring manager/recruiter in tech? In this Circus Funhouse Mirror tech economy, how do candidates even get an interview? in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    There are a lot of different companies. This isn’t a general requirement of being a web developer. But the field in general is not like most others. Can you imagine 3M requiring chemists have a...

    There are a lot of different companies. This isn’t a general requirement of being a web developer. But the field in general is not like most others. Can you imagine 3M requiring chemists have a hobby lab at home and a portfolio of work that shows a genuine interest in chemistry? It would be ridiculous.

    But programming is a rare field that is technical, a true field of engineering, but also filled with people that are passionate hobbyists. I’ve worked with plenty of people and the ones that do it outside of work are usually the best ones by far. Not that the people that just do it as a job are bad. The best front end guy I ever worked with wouldn’t ever bother to write code as a hobby. But hobby work is still a strong signal. So in the context of the OP, it’s a good response for how to filter out most of the massive pile of resumes you’ll receive.

    14 votes
  14. Comment on Radxa X4 low-cost, credit card-sized Intel N100 SBC goes for $60 and up in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I don’t think I’ve ever had software headaches with ARM SBCs. What are you doing?

    I don’t think I’ve ever had software headaches with ARM SBCs. What are you doing?

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

  16. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    (edited )
    I've created a poll for a proposed plugin: https://strawpoll.com/PKgle3031Zp https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat - this enables proximity voice chat. It does not require a client side...

    I've created a poll for a proposed plugin: https://strawpoll.com/PKgle3031Zp

    https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat - this enables proximity voice chat. It does not require a client side mod to be installed, but it could affect the server's social experience.

    Edit: It looks like there’s not enough support to add the mod. I’d only add it with at least 2/3 of votes in favor and we’re at 40% right now.

    6 votes
  17. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    (edited )
    I'll be setting up Dynmap this weekend with a view limit so you can just see the area around spawn. Edit: It's live!

    I'll be setting up Dynmap this weekend with a view limit so you can just see the area around spawn.

    Edit: It's live!

    13 votes
  18. Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread

    NEW THREAD Server host: tildes.nore.gg Dynmap: https://tildes.nore.gg Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox...


    Server host: tildes.nore.gg
    Dynmap: https://tildes.nore.gg
    Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html
    Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and Android) - Chrome
    Verification site: https://verify.tildes.nore.gg
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TildesMC (currently at $60 of our $70/month cost)

    The server operates on a soft whitelist. Anyone can log in and walk around, but you need a Tildes account to gain build access.


    29 votes
  19. Comment on US President Joe Biden reportedly more open to calls for him to step aside as candidate in ~news

    Link Parent
    We did vote for Kamala though. She has two jobs: Break ties in the senate Replace Biden if he steps down

    We did vote for Kamala though. She has two jobs:

    1. Break ties in the senate
    2. Replace Biden if he steps down
    26 votes
  20. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games