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Weekly US politics news and updates thread - week of July 12

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  1. skybrian
    Joint Chiefs chairman feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power - Washington Post

    Joint Chiefs chairman feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power - Washington Post

    After attending a Nov. 10 security briefing about the “Million MAGA March,” a pro-Trump rally protesting the election, Milley said he feared an American equivalent of “brownshirts in the streets,” alluding to the paramilitary forces that protected Nazi rallies and enabled Hitler’s ascent.
    Late that same evening, according to the book, an old friend called Milley to express concerns that those close to Trump were attempting to “overturn the government.”
    “You are one of the few guys who are standing between us and some really bad stuff,” the friend told Milley, according to an account relayed to his aides. Milley was shaken, Leonnig and Rucker write, and he called former national security adviser H.R. McMaster to ask whether a coup was actually imminent.
    “What the f--- am I dealing with?” Milley asked him.
    The conversations put Milley on edge, and he began informally planning with other military leaders, strategizing how they would block Trump’s order to use the military in a way they deemed dangerous or illegal.
    If someone wanted to seize control, Milley thought, they would need to gain sway over the FBI, the CIA and the Defense Department, where Trump had already installed staunch allies. “They may try, but they’re not going to f---ing succeed,” he told some of his closest deputies, the book says.
    In the weeks that followed, Milley played reassuring soothsayer to a string of concerned members of Congress and administration officials who shared his worries about Trump attempting to use the military to stay in office.

    5 votes
  2. Kuromantis
    Most newsmax viewers also watch Fox News Interesting article on what demographics watch what news sources. Relevant graphs: