10 votes

The impact of gratitude on adolescent materialism and generosity


  1. joelthelion
    One thing I would like to know is how long effects will persist. I hope they conduct a follow-up study a year or so from now.

    One thing I would like to know is how long effects will persist. I hope they conduct a follow-up study a year or so from now.

    3 votes
  2. [2]
    Thank you for posting this. (can someone study if gratitude works on us old folgies?)

    Thank you for posting this. (can someone study if gratitude works on us old folgies?)

    1 vote
    1. joelthelion
      Link Parent
      I don't know what you count as old, but the study references other studies focused on adults.

      I don't know what you count as old, but the study references other studies focused on adults.

      2 votes