8 votes Does time exist? | Andrew Zimmerman Jones Posted October 24, 2018 by cfabbro Tags: physics, time, andrew zimmerman jones, videos, ted.ed, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3tbVHlsKhs Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors TED-Ed Duration 5:16 Published Oct 23 2018 3 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK [2] the_loophole October 24, 2018 Link This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ? This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ? 1 vote somewaffles October 24, 2018 Link Parent I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. 3 votes Kropotkin November 1, 2018 Link I always love TED talks. I always love TED talks.
[2] the_loophole October 24, 2018 Link This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ? This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ? 1 vote somewaffles October 24, 2018 Link Parent I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. 3 votes
somewaffles October 24, 2018 Link Parent I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer. 3 votes
This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ?
I haven't watched the video yet, but sometimes it's just fun to ask these kinds of questions. There doesn't need to be an objective answer.
I always love TED talks.