the_loophole's recent activity

  1. Comment on How Do I Make A Database? in ~comp

    Doing an optimized database is VERY difficult and usually takes years to make something usable in production. To do something that works fast, you will have to use compiled languages, not...

    Doing an optimized database is VERY difficult and usually takes years to make something usable in production. To do something that works fast, you will have to use compiled languages, not interpreted ones.

    I think I can give you further advice if you tell me what type of database do you want to create (relational, key-value store, graph database, etc.) and what is the most important, what needs to be very fast.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on How old is too old for trick-or-treating? in ~life

  3. Comment on Does time exist? | Andrew Zimmerman Jones in ~science

    This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ?

    This is too clickbaity too be true ain't it ? And if time doesn't exist, do we actually care ?

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Do you wear glasses? in ~talk

    Well I wear glasses but that's a funny post. Why did you post this ? Am I supposed to explain why I wear glasses ?

    Well I wear glasses but that's a funny post. Why did you post this ? Am I supposed to explain why I wear glasses ?

  5. Comment on Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel in ~news

  6. Comment on Hey tilda swintons - what would you do if you were awarded $130,000,000 in post-tax lottery money? in ~talk

    Tilda swintons? Every day it's worse...

    Tilda swintons? Every day it's worse...

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Apple can delete purchased movies from your library without telling you in ~tech

    Appropriate username.

    Appropriate username.

  8. Comment on Inbox is signing off. Find your favorite features in the new Gmail in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Hey guys am I the only one to find inbox's features in the new GMail ?

    Hey guys am I the only one to find inbox's features in the new GMail ?

  9. Comment on What is beautiful to you? in ~talk

    Children... children .... children .......

    Children... children .... children .......

  10. Comment on I'm new to Tildes. What must I know ? in ~tildes

  11. Comment on Where are you from? in ~talk

  12. I'm new to Tildes. What must I know ?

    I come from reddit and I'd like to know what is basically different in the way I should post and comment. Are there any private jokes or slang I should know to understand everything ? (like...

    I come from reddit and I'd like to know what is basically different in the way I should post and comment.

    • Are there any private jokes or slang I should know to understand everything ? (like reddit's "/s", "FBI open up" or the verb "lurk")
    • Are "mods" uncompromising ?
    • Every single post I saw is intelligent. Is this required ?
    • There's no downvote. Do I need to make a thoughtful comment every time I disagree ?
    25 votes
  13. Comment on Facebook punishes liberal news site after fact check by right-wing site in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Which one ?

    One of these things is not like the others...

    Which one ?