This is fun and all, but without a recording to compare against, I don't see how they can judge whether it's accurate? It seems like there would be better candidates for validating the technique.
This is fun and all, but without a recording to compare against, I don't see how they can judge whether it's accurate? It seems like there would be better candidates for validating the technique.
The sound of a 3,000 year old mummified individual has been accurately reproduced as a vowel-like sound based on measurements of the precise dimensions of his extant vocal tract following Computed Tomography (CT) scanning, enabling the creation of a 3-D printed vocal tract. By using the Vocal Tract Organ, which provides a user-controllable artificial larynx sound source, a vowel sound is synthesised which compares favourably with vowels of modern individuals.
This is fun and all, but without a recording to compare against, I don't see how they can judge whether it's accurate? It seems like there would be better candidates for validating the technique.
Here's the audio recording