4 votes

Across the Middle East, the BDS movement is thriving


  1. skybrian
    Despite all this, Jordan and Egypt are at peace with Israel and everyone there benefits from it.

    Despite all this, Jordan and Egypt are at peace with Israel and everyone there benefits from it.

    7 votes
  2. donn
    There's a pleasant secondary economic effect to this that more capital would accumulate in local businesses instead of being offshored to a U.S.-based owner/licensor, but that said: Maybe I'm just...

    There's a pleasant secondary economic effect to this that more capital would accumulate in local businesses instead of being offshored to a U.S.-based owner/licensor, but that said:

    Starbucks Middle Eat laid off at least 2,000 employees amid declining sales after boycott efforts
    In Jordan, Carrefour’s abrupt closure of all its branches

    Maybe I'm just a cynic but I think they're hurting local workers more than U.S.-based decision makers- building a social movement that will at most cost the executives Middle East franchisee fees but will cost some other people everything. My family's horrendous experience with layoffs is definitely clouding my judgment here though.

    7 votes
  3. Advanced

    Nowhere is the power of BDS more evident than in the Middle East, where shared regional solidarity and strategic economic pressure have turned the movement into a powerful force.

    2 votes