Part of the Alt-Right Playbook I'm always more interested in the meta of these arguments than who has what positions, and I can grok the idea of "the bad things that have happened are the cost of...
I'm always more interested in the meta of these arguments than who has what positions, and I can grok the idea of "the bad things that have happened are the cost of the good ones that can be" as a corollary of "All you got to do is make the bad stuff illegal so that people won't do it anymore."
Very interesting video. I still have to wonder how much is this actual conservatives doing logic and how much is just 'the religion I follow says so and to me it seems OK'.
Very interesting video. I still have to wonder how much is this actual conservatives doing logic and how much is just 'the religion I follow says so and to me it seems OK'.
My understanding is that people of a liberal nature value virtues differently than people of a conservative nature. Maybe what "is logical" to them is drawn from a deferrance to authority, or...
The third and primary empirical point of Haidt's talk is about his own research on the five moral value systems that he argues underlie the liberal-conservative political dimension: 1) Care for Others/Do no harm; 2) Fairness/Justice/Equality; 3) In-Group Loyalty; 4) Respect for Authority; and 5) Purity. His research shows-across large numbers of people and many different countries-that there are very reliable differences in the degree to which liberals and conservatives differ in the extent to which they endorse these values. Conservatives tend to value the five domains relatively equally. Liberals, in contrast, value the first two domains much more than the latter three.
Maybe what "is logical" to them is drawn from a deferrance to authority, or norms of society, or an abstract of purity, as I can definitely understand how "peace of mind" is more valuable to my selfishness then "justice or fairness," especially if I have to use someone else's measure.
Part of the Alt-Right Playbook
I'm always more interested in the meta of these arguments than who has what positions, and I can grok the idea of "the bad things that have happened are the cost of the good ones that can be" as a corollary of "All you got to do is make the bad stuff illegal so that people won't do it anymore."
Very interesting video. I still have to wonder how much is this actual conservatives doing logic and how much is just 'the religion I follow says so and to me it seems OK'.
My understanding is that people of a liberal nature value virtues differently than people of a conservative nature.
Maybe what "is logical" to them is drawn from a deferrance to authority, or norms of society, or an abstract of purity, as I can definitely understand how "peace of mind" is more valuable to my selfishness then "justice or fairness," especially if I have to use someone else's measure.