12 votes

Why Elon Musk doesn’t have access to SpaceX’s biggest government secrets


  1. [3]
    I have friends with security clearances. They'd get yanked in a microsecond if they got caught smoking marijuana, let alone anything worse...like regular contact with Russian leadership. But I...

    I have friends with security clearances. They'd get yanked in a microsecond if they got caught smoking marijuana, let alone anything worse...like regular contact with Russian leadership.

    But I guess he has billions, so the rules don't apply. I guess its good the lawyers had the foresight to keep him from being able to blather away national secrets publicly or to Putin. Further evidence in my mind that SpaceX thrives in spite of Musk, not because of him.

    They likely will need special clearances to view sensitive information as they pick through military spending on classified programs, looking for efficiencies. Trump will be in a position to provide them.

    Good. Maybe the impeachment will come with some consequences this time.

    19 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Plus access is on a need to know basis, even with a clearance and SCI authorizations. Does a CEO really need to know what what kind of equipment is on spy satellites and such being launched? Idk....

      Plus access is on a need to know basis, even with a clearance and SCI authorizations. Does a CEO really need to know what what kind of equipment is on spy satellites and such being launched? Idk. CEO's role is to run the business, while the engineers handle the project work. CEO doesn't need to know exactly everything that's going on, just that things are happening and money is coming in.

      I've heard of people who have clearances yet their own supervisors don't.

      6 votes
      1. vord
        Link Parent
        My question then is: Why does every other aerospace CEO on the planet have one? Probably because there is info they need to be able to make the kinds of decisions. And because aerospace companies...

        My question then is: Why does every other aerospace CEO on the planet have one?

        Probably because there is info they need to be able to make the kinds of decisions. And because aerospace companies primarily do military work. The military wants to be able to march to the CEO and say 'no, you need to do it this way,' to insure that nothing gets lost in "that's classified" translation.

        Especially since SpaceX's stuff can and will directly impact live military operations.

        My one friend has managers who don't hold clearances. But that's because they are primarily an electrical systems manufacturer and installer and military installs are a fraction of their business and mostly they don't even need details beyond physical access and power draw requirements.

        3 votes
  2. pete_the_paper_boat
    I don't see why he needs to know, so, it makes sense he doesn't. It doesn't affect the way the company is ran whatsoever.

    I don't see why he needs to know, so, it makes sense he doesn't. It doesn't affect the way the company is ran whatsoever.

    3 votes