saturnV's recent activity

  1. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Apparently the biggest issue with adult sites is the higher chargeback rates and fraud making it higher risk for the CC companies, due to the puritanical nature of the consumers more than the...

    Apparently the biggest issue with adult sites is the higher chargeback rates and fraud making it higher risk for the CC companies, due to the puritanical nature of the consumers more than the companies

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Scott Galloway - "The Algebra of Wealth" in ~finance

  3. Comment on We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    funnily enough "blick" is a word in london slang for a pistol and blik is a word in philosophy (invented by RM Hare), so when our teacher was mentioning it our class was laughing at it being used...

    funnily enough "blick" is a word in london slang for a pistol and blik is a word in philosophy (invented by RM Hare), so when our teacher was mentioning it our class was laughing at it being used out of context

    2 votes
  4. Comment on International scheme to tax billionaires’ wealth technically feasible, study [by Gabriel Zucman] finds in ~finance

    I wasn't really aware of which wealth taxes already existed, this article on EU wealth taxes and this on OECD wealth taxes was interesting, especially the fact that less countries in the OECD have...

    I wasn't really aware of which wealth taxes already existed, this article on EU wealth taxes and this on OECD wealth taxes was interesting, especially the fact that less countries in the OECD have net wealth taxes now (5) than in 1995 (12), and some places having legal problems over it. Of course the difference with this would be a much higher required wealth so less people being taxed, and international co-operation. The wikipedia page is also pretty good

    2 votes
  5. Comment on The Ten Commandments must be displayed in all public Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    Surely the original laws are the Code of Hammurabi, why don't they put those on the wall?

    Surely the original laws are the Code of Hammurabi, why don't they put those on the wall?

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Protests seen as harming civil rights movement in the '60s—What we can learn from this for climate justice in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I know dumping a >1hr video essay is the laziest kind of response, but I watched this video by lonerbox responding to this argument and found it convincing. It says that Malcom X never actually...

    I know dumping a >1hr video essay is the laziest kind of response, but I watched this video by lonerbox responding to this argument and found it convincing. It says that Malcom X never actually did any violent protest, and was widely disliked by the black community at the time and MLK himself. There isn't really any good evidence that what Malcom X did was effective in speeding up social change, (and your article doesn't even argue that, just that they both had similar goals)

    5 votes
  7. Comment on After Baillie Gifford, who is ‘clean’ enough to fund the arts? The campaign against the asset manager has left festivals struggling to adapt to a new age of protest. in ~arts

    This is interesting

    "The Baillie Gifford affair was partly a misjudgment. The denouement seemed to surprise everyone. “We were pretty shocked when Hay said it was dropping Baillie Gifford. We expected it to be a much longer-term campaign,” says a representative of Fossil Free Books, the small campaign group involved. (The representative, a relatively well-known author, asks not to be named, because, in the spirit of the age, the group reaches its decisions collectively.) “Our campaign was meant to be the start of a negotiation.”"

    This is interesting

    1 vote
  8. Comment on The controversy of carbon footprints in ~enviro

    I liked Hank Green's vaguely related video on a topic adjacent to this, which basically said how hard it is for humans to change our culture and desires, and that things which very obviously need...

    I liked Hank Green's vaguely related video on a topic adjacent to this, which basically said how hard it is for humans to change our culture and desires, and that things which very obviously need to be done (cutting meat consumption) are not going to be easy, and in fact things which one would think would be much harder like creating incredibly efficient solar PV panels are much more easy.

  9. Comment on Undemocratic, anachronistic, fantastic. How the City of London survives. in ~finance

    Very interesting, even as someone who was semi-aware of some of the aspects like the corporate votes and Lord(/Lady) Mayor, seeing what is purely ceremonial and what really gets stuff done is...

    Very interesting, even as someone who was semi-aware of some of the aspects like the corporate votes and Lord(/Lady) Mayor, seeing what is purely ceremonial and what really gets stuff done is fascinating. I wonder how long it is going to last this way, because it does feel like a relic of a bygone era

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #4 - What's something you wish more people understood? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    Would it be fair to say that way of using the word lesbian is treating it as a cultural more than functional identifier, or is that overly reductive?

    Would it be fair to say that way of using the word lesbian is treating it as a cultural more than functional identifier, or is that overly reductive?

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #2 - Who is a historical LGBT advocate that you admire? in ~lgbt

    Whilst perhaps not an explicit advocate, I found the story of Georges Burou (1910-1987) very interesting. He was a French gynecologist widely credited with innovating modern sex reassignment...

    Whilst perhaps not an explicit advocate, I found the story of Georges Burou (1910-1987) very interesting. He was a French gynecologist widely credited with innovating modern sex reassignment surgery for trans women, and worked tirelessly and silently across his whole life to further access to it, often helping subsidise the costs, and performing surgery without asking too many questions. He performed over 3000 surgeries across multiple decades of work.
    In the 1950s, he developed what became the gold standard of vaginoplasty for trans women. He performed over 800 vaginoplasties in the two decades before he published his research.

    "Due to the controversial nature of the procedure, Burou is said to have kept a low profile in order to continue his practice. His work at Clinique du Parc, which has been described by current day plastic surgeons as "pioneering", "innovative", and "genius", made Burou a notable figure in the recorded history of plastic surgery. The discretion of Burou's clinic made him relatively unknown to his medical contemporaries, despite him being well known among many trans women around the world. His level of renown was such that "going to Casablanca" became a popular colloquialism for gender confirming surgery at this time."

    7 votes
  12. Comment on These autonomous drones can recharge themselves from power lines in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I would expect that the cheapest way to protect them would be the legal system, either the company manufacturing it or the users.

    I would expect that the cheapest way to protect them would be the legal system, either the company manufacturing it or the users.

    5 votes
  13. Comment on "Recommend a nonfiction book" - Book reviews in ~books

    I read More: The 10,000-Year Rise of the World Economy a while ago and found it quite good, telling (from what I can remember) roughly the same story as The Ascent of Money. If you're interested...

    I read More: The 10,000-Year Rise of the World Economy a while ago and found it quite good, telling (from what I can remember) roughly the same story as The Ascent of Money.
    If you're interested in the history of Physics, a good book I read was The Hunt for Vulcan which tells the story of our discovery of all the planets in the solar system, starting from Newton proposing his law of Gravity, and ending with Einstein resolving the problems in the data (precession of Mercury) with General Relativity.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on "&udm=14" strips AI junk from Google results in ~tech

    The linked article gives a good overview of how you can make it a default in a bunch of different browsers and explains what it actually does better. (I think this makes the biggest difference in...

    The linked article gives a good overview of how you can make it a default in a bunch of different browsers and explains what it actually does better. (I think this makes the biggest difference in the US removing the AI stuff, but it still removes the "People also ask" section, info boxes on top and the right-hand side, and all that kind of extra "value-added" stuff google puts on top, like answering "when is the superbowl?" for you)

    10 votes
  15. Comment on Webcomics recommendations in ~comics

    runway to the stars is new and so getting quite frequent updates. IMO very interesting premise of a hard-scifi-style world with non-human characters

    runway to the stars is new and so getting quite frequent updates. IMO very interesting premise of a hard-scifi-style world with non-human characters

  16. Comment on 5D Diplomacy With Multiversal Time Travel in ~games.tabletop

    This feels like it could do with some cool lore, maybe theme it around Doctor Who or something

    This feels like it could do with some cool lore, maybe theme it around Doctor Who or something

    3 votes
  17. Comment on The lonely work of moderating Hacker News in ~tech

    Link Parent
    One tip is that if you have uBlock Origin installed (you should), disabling Javascript often works to bypass paywalls. Entering reader mode acts similarly.

    One tip is that if you have uBlock Origin installed (you should), disabling Javascript often works to bypass paywalls. Entering reader mode acts similarly.

    7 votes
  18. Comment on Thoughts on the current state of discoverability and search in ~tech

    Link Parent
    For 1, I use google ngrams which is nice because you can see changes over time, look in how british and american english differ, and do stuff like fuzzy finding (e.g. "I am greatly *" lists i am...

    For 1, I use google ngrams which is nice because you can see changes over time, look in how british and american english differ, and do stuff like fuzzy finding (e.g. "I am greatly *" lists i am greatly indebted, I am greatly mistaken,... and their various popularities), also can do stuff like calculating ratios or differences with math operators
    For 2, I definitely also find this to be true. The same happens on youtube, which will often give you maybe ten actual results and then start giving generic recommendations.

    7 votes
  19. Comment on Internet use statistically associated with higher wellbeing, finds new global Oxford study in ~tech

    Paper here wellbeing was measured by life satisfaction, negative and positive experiences, and social life satisfaction. they adjusted for income, educational, work and relationship statuses,...

    Paper here
    wellbeing was measured by life satisfaction, negative and positive experiences, and social life satisfaction.
    they adjusted for income, educational, work and relationship statuses, their ability to meet
    basic needs for food and shelter, and whether or not they reported
    having health problems. They tested this in many different combinations and consistently found a significant correlation with wellbeing. Obviously correlation!=causation, but still interesting+significant

    2 votes