Tildes Video Thread
Find yourself watching tons of great videos on [insert chosen video sharing platform], but also find yourself reluctant to flood the Tildes front page with them? Then this thread is for you.
It could be one quirky video that you feel deserves some eyeballs on it, or perhaps you've got a curated list of videos that you'd love to talk us through...
Share some of the best video content you've watched this past week/fortnight with us!
I love watching speed runs and I watch Atrioc from time to time:
How Speedrunners Broke My Rage Game (Get To Work)
A Tom-Scott-esque video: Why do UK supermarkets have clock towers?
Damn beat me to the punch. This entire channel is great, especially if you're looking for content that isn't Youtube-y (surprised face thumbnails, titles that omit relevant info to drive clicks, mid video sponsors, etc...)
A 1.58-Dimensional Object by Numberphile
A video where a mathematician leads you down an exploration from fractals to a generalized definition of "dimensions" that goes beyond whole numbers.
It gave me that aha moment you get from seemingly unrelated areas of math connecting in a surprising way that deepens your understanding of both.
This site lets you spy on people. Are you one of them? by Christophe
(non-clickbait title: A camera in your vicinity might be publicly accessible on insecam)
MinnMax Jumps Into A Lake's Ice Hole by Minnmax
MinnMax is an independent media outlet that focuses primarily on games. But once a week, they have a show called "New Show Plus" can lead to them branching out of games and doing something that their community votes on:
A Beginner's Guide to Asian Sauces by Doobydobap
Been working on getting better at cooking, and ended up sitting through this 40 minute video about condiments. I found it informative, enjoyed the example dishes that were paired with the sauces, and the presenter is very funny.
This video by Rhystic Studies was really enjoyable. He always puts out really high quality videos and this is no different. He is a magic the gathering channel (and this video is about magic cards) but I feel done so in a way that anyone could watch and get enjoyment out of them! Highly recommend
Edit: wait, maybe NSFW?
Komm süßer Toot ( Evangelion × Trumpet Boy) (01:26) - End of Evangelion silliness set to good jazz.
Gnome - Kraken Wanker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iTuDvk45Qk
Watch the video on mute first and try to guess the genre of music the gnome is dancing to. You'll never get it right :D
An interesting video shot at multiple places in Syria right now.