4 votes

Argentina vs Canada handicap

Great moment in time
What a surprise Canada has been, congratz to the Canadian fans. Odds are against them winning on their next game but here I am thinking. IMO if the game develops like that of Germany vs Spain, I think Canada has a chance. The biggest thing that is controversial is if Messi is not in the lineup. If Messi is in the lines up I see Argentina not playing as well and Canada having the upper hand. I love watching Messsi but he is not playing well, playing hurt etc., I was lucky to go to the stadium, in the Chile vs Argentina game and it's very noticeable his participation is not great though arguably one would want him in vs out. Alright Canucks let's see what you got!

1 comment

  1. Sassanix
    We could create one of the biggest upsets in Argentinas history, I’m rooting for our side! Go Canada! 🇨🇦

    We could create one of the biggest upsets in Argentinas history, I’m rooting for our side! Go Canada! 🇨🇦

    3 votes