7 votes

What’s something that deserves more appreciation?

Something = literally anything. No restrictions; people/groups included.

If you feel it deserves more appreciation, whatever it is, then it counts.

Also, be sure to tell us why you think that.

1 comment

  1. lou
    (edited )
    Patience and restraint. The ability to let things go, to not respond to every perceived offense in the heat of the moment, to choose your battles and carefully measure your actions. The...

    Patience and restraint. The ability to let things go, to not respond to every perceived offense in the heat of the moment, to choose your battles and carefully measure your actions. The understanding that many things and many people are more nuanced and complex than you may think, and that you should take a breath before labelling someone as an opposer, because when you fail to take a breath you turn friends into strangers and allies into enemies. Just breath, breath a lot, before you decide you should detest someone. Only the calm are truly compassionate. The calm before the action, which comes stronger when it is time. Measuredness, temperance, silence, and listening. All things that deserve more appreciation.

    8 votes