11 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. worldasis
    Wednesday my friend's kid turned 10. I met my buddy the year she was born, and she's just the coolest. She's really come into herself and it's so awesome to see. We had a pool party at the lodge....

    Wednesday my friend's kid turned 10. I met my buddy the year she was born, and she's just the coolest. She's really come into herself and it's so awesome to see. We had a pool party at the lodge. Chilli dogs and cupcakes. It was 105F so the weather was perfect for a swim. Also they switched from chlorine to salt water in their pool which is AWESOME.

    Yesterday was my other friend's birthday. I went to his show at the bbq joint, and we jammed till it closed and he raised some money for his upcoming road trip. Then we all went to the bar, and saw our other buddy play. Talked with folk, laughed hard, had a lovely time. Then the bar closed and the person I've been sorta seeing (it's so complicated it's a cliché) asked if I wanted to go to the porch and play a little music. So we went to the porch, just the two of us, and played around on my new keyboard and chatted. Then he invited me home with him.

    Woke up to a glorious morning, the full moon still yet to set. Rolled around in bed and lazily started the day. He made coffee. Now I'm sitting on his porch looking at a full panorama of the Chisos Mountains while he does some chores for his air bnb. His old friend is coming into town today and he's excited for me to meet him. Tonight more music and friends.

    Tomorrow I help one of my friends do a deep clean on their office. It's going to be a push but we'll get it done, then more music.

    Sunday is song circle. Most of the regulars have now left for the season, but me and my friend who's been here for 30 years and recorded my last ep at his studio will be there. And circle will be on the porch this Sunday instead of the garden so that hopefully some of the other local musicians jump in...elsewise it'll be a music theory lesson for me. Hot damn is music theory challenging, but I figure if I just keep at it eventually I'll get somewhere. My friend is a very good teacher. He used to teach math and music at the school here.

    Good week and weekend.

    3 votes
  2. Spydrchick
    Got the flower garden in! What a huge improvement to curb appeal. We were getting thumbs up from some of the neighbors. Looks like some of the microclover germinated. I'll see how successful it...

    Got the flower garden in! What a huge improvement to curb appeal. We were getting thumbs up from some of the neighbors. Looks like some of the microclover germinated. I'll see how successful it was in a few weeks. And bonus: my peonies are popping up so they survived the move.

    Still tonnes more to do but damn, it's so worth it.

    2 votes