7 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. AugustusFerdinand
    Packed stuff. Packed some more stuff. Gathered some other stuff and packed it. Removed all the wall art and go it packed up. Spent time in the garages packing up tools and spare parts for the...

    Packed stuff.
    Packed some more stuff.
    Gathered some other stuff and packed it.
    Removed all the wall art and go it packed up.
    Spent time in the garages packing up tools and spare parts for the project cars.
    Found a bunch of things we don't use, packed those up, and donated them.
    Did I mention packing?
    Yeah, that's life right now, packing, packing, and more packing.
    Stressful packing.
    But it's fine. It's worth it. Less than a month to go and we will be getting the fuck out of Texas.

    3 votes
  2. beeef
    Recovered from 4 days of camping and being in the sun over 4th of July. Attempted to be productive at work but mostly jiggled my mouse since I forgot to refill my Adderall prescription. Excited to...

    Recovered from 4 days of camping and being in the sun over 4th of July. Attempted to be productive at work but mostly jiggled my mouse since I forgot to refill my Adderall prescription. Excited to finally have a weekend at home in the air conditioning for what seems like the first time this summer.

    This weekend. Will probably take our dog for a hike in the early mornings this weekend while it's still cool out, she's 9 now though and can't go as far as she used to. I'll subject myself to the heat on a mountain bike in the afternoons. Might buy a lift ticket at the local hill on Sunday so I can skip the climbing part. Also have a bunch of homework to get done.

    3 votes