3 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. [3]
    What I did was break my damn foot! I have been dealing with a 5th metatarsal stress fracture for a couple months. I hadn’t been into the Dr because I had a surgery I was recovering from and I had...

    What I did was break my damn foot! I have been dealing with a 5th metatarsal stress fracture for a couple months. I hadn’t been into the Dr because I had a surgery I was recovering from and I had car issues that financially cleaned me out (and of course the Dr is not free in America). I was trying my best to recover and I finally went in last week, got X-rays, got referred to an orthopedic dr and had an appointment for Thursday. Then on Wednesday, after dealing with this for 2 months and the day before I’d likely be prescribed a boot and crutches, I merely stood wrong and SNAP. I had been dealing with this for two months and just needed to last one more day. The fracture indeed got noticeably worse on the new X-rays compared to last weeks.

    So now I’m in a boot for likely 2-3 months and will be on crutches for at least 1-2 months. I ordered one of those knee scooters and it gets here Sunday. After using crutches for just one day I was utterly sick of them.

    Wednesday and yesterday were hell. I couldn’t carry anything because I had to use both crutches, I was in so much pain that I couldn’t even use my booted foot for balance. My mental was completely destroyed at it now taking me 10 minutes just to use the bathroom and get back to my recliner. Today, thankfully, is much better. The pain mostly subsided as long as I don’t put weight on it. I’ve been more comfortable on a single crutch, and once my scooter gets here, I can hopefully get some decent outside time. I’ve been cooped up literally all summer. I planned on playing 2-3 rounds of disc golf every week this summer and I got this injury in my very first round of the year, lol.

    So I suppose I have a lot of time for video games now and to continue binging Deep Space Nine. It’s also prime motorsports season and the Olympics are starting soon, so at least I’ll have something to watch while stuck in my recliner.

    1 vote
    1. Notcoffeetable
      Link Parent
      Sorry about your foot! DS9 gives TNG a run for its money. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy and In the Pale Moonlight are all time great episode of TV if you've gotten to those yet. Also excited for...

      So I suppose I have a lot of time for video games now and to continue binging Deep Space Nine. It’s also prime motorsports season and the Olympics are starting soon, so at least I’ll have something to watch while stuck in my recliner.

      Sorry about your foot!

      DS9 gives TNG a run for its money. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy and In the Pale Moonlight are all time great episode of TV if you've gotten to those yet.

      Also excited for Hungary this weekend and the Olympics starting next weekend!

      1 vote
    2. Requirement
      Link Parent
      Isn't that always the way it seems to go? Just about to have the problem solved and it goes right off a cliff! Good luck with the wheeling about, hopefully it starts to feel a bit more natural and...

      Isn't that always the way it seems to go? Just about to have the problem solved and it goes right off a cliff! Good luck with the wheeling about, hopefully it starts to feel a bit more natural and you can get the bathroom break down to a more reasonable 8 minutes. So much good tv to watch at least!

  2. [2]
    This week's been slower than the previous couple but some high stress meetings. Had my first face-to-face with our global president to walk him through an analysis I conducted. My boss's boss is...

    This week's been slower than the previous couple but some high stress meetings. Had my first face-to-face with our global president to walk him through an analysis I conducted. My boss's boss is starting to take a more direct approach to working with me and has communicated a desire to expand some of our oversight to data reporting. Usually that's a good career sign but I hate power politics and my approach to our data is a much more federated design.

    This week my workout schedule has been consistent. Really hoping to keep the momentum and make it three good weeks in a row. Otherwise this weekend

    • Triple date with some coworkers for brunch and a retro gaming pop-up. I haven't hung out with them before but one is essentially my neighbor and the other is my peer wo I like working with.
    • Want to beat the final boss of Elden Ring and start Demon's Souls.
    • Need to replace the battery in my 944 S2. I replaced it last year but couldn't find something with the right CCA. It died recently so I found a much better replacement and will be installing it.
    • Hungary Qualifying and GP this weekend should be good.
    • I need to go through and check my backpacking gear, the brothers and brother-in-laws are getting together next weekend for a one night trip.
    • I owe my partner ~30 miles on the bike. It's cooling down this weekend so hopefully Saturday or Sunday.
    1 vote
    1. EsteeBestee
      Link Parent
      Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend!! Slay that final boss, tarnished! Who have you got for pole position in Hungary tomorrow? Sainz might have a good shot at it as long as Ferrari doesn’t Ferrari...

      Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend!! Slay that final boss, tarnished! Who have you got for pole position in Hungary tomorrow? Sainz might have a good shot at it as long as Ferrari doesn’t Ferrari (they will).