What did you do this week (and weekend)?
As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!
This week my washing machine stopped working. It's only had about 4 years of very light use, and yet here we are. It's a Whirlpool, and in my opinion, a pile of hot garbage. It was noisy in spin mode from day one.
I had an ancient Maytag sitting in storage, so I pulled it out and did some research on why it had become unbalanced so easily. Tearing into it, I soon found the issue and I'm waiting on parts. They should come in today. I hope I can fix it, because it is apparent that the build quality is far better in this twenty-eight year old machine.
On a side note, I also fixed the Whirlpool. It has a small electric motor with a lever that switches from agitator mode to spin mode, and though not broken, it had gotten stuck. Which is why the washer wasn't actually washing anything. All plastic parts in this section, and its built to fail.
I had two immediate thoughts after reading:
My experience has been that the old commercials about the Maytag repairman were fairly accurate - they tend to last well, especially from pre-2010.
Congrats on fixing something. I find that there is a special joy in identifying why something isn't working and then making it work. Whether its "I just had to use a better screw to get this toilet paper holder to stay" to "I took apart the washing machine that wasn't working, and now it works" to "I rebuilt this 1965 Chevy pickup", they all spark joy.
Success with the Maytag. Very happy with the results.