11 votes

Taiwan, on China’s doorstep, is dealing with TikTok its own way

1 comment

  1. DefinitelyNotAFae
    I thought this was an interesting look at how Taiwan handles Tiktok. It's banned on official devices, and one of the political parties doesn't use it, but they also have strong independent fact...

    I thought this was an interesting look at how Taiwan handles Tiktok. It's banned on official devices, and one of the political parties doesn't use it, but they also have strong independent fact checking, and a government agency that handles digital affairs, but all the major international apps are foreign run for them.

    It doesn't eliminate false information - at the end they describe people showing up because Tiktok videos showed volunteer poll-counters making errors (some real some fake). I did think of all the issues with some perceptions of 2020 election counting in the US.

    6 votes