17 votes

AI the product vs AI the feature


  1. [2]
    (edited )
    Its amazing how all the marketing and hype made a simple fact, a revelation. Just thinking about it more makes it feel like a background feature being force fed to us as the next tech revolution....

    Its amazing how all the marketing and hype made a simple fact, a revelation. Just thinking about it more makes it feel like a background feature being force fed to us as the next tech revolution.

    There would not be nearly as much push back of it was quietly introduced as Google Search Optimizer, Auto Copy in an e-commerce service and a better chatbot for support centers. Hell, to me a smarter move would be to just call it Deep Data Modeling, licence it a with a ton of purpose built industry add ons, then grab that bag year on year. And those customers that implement it as premium customer features for some RoI.

    But the current mess feels like marketing and management driven tech on a stupid scale. Someone saw it exhibit intelligible natural language responses and associated it with stereotypical AI for customer recognition. Someone heard bigger models produce better results and resolved to gobble up the entire internet. Someone wanted the prestige of a major consumer product over the quiet consistency of the B2B market.

    The Tech Bro brain rot has this amazing way of taking interesting ideas with a ton of potential, and throwing the same toxic strategies at it. Free barebones service with recurring premium costs for slightly more bones. Big hype. Silver bullet for every problem. Ethics? what ethics. Improvement road map (trust us but give us money). IT'S THE FUTURE! GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR.

    14 votes
    1. ThatLinuxUser
      Link Parent
      I feel like - at least to a degree - what’s going on with the AI hype is sort of a bubble. I’m more interested in what companies are doing in response, personally. Meta as far as I can tell has...

      I feel like - at least to a degree - what’s going on with the AI hype is sort of a bubble. I’m more interested in what companies are doing in response, personally. Meta as far as I can tell has not done much with their AI recently, Apple is integrating it into iOS and MacOS is ways that make sense, while Microsoft and Google seem to be hedging a lot on it, though indeed 95% of that is marketing.

      I don’t expect the AI startups that have appeared in the last couple years to be successful for very long.

      3 votes