14 votes

Experiences using a local voice assistant with LLM with HomeAssistant?

Has anyone out there hooked HomeAssistant up to a local LLM? I'm very tempted:

  • Alexa integrations fail often. HomeAssistant integrations tend to be rock solid.
  • Alexa is rule/pattern matching based. LLMs can understand natural language fairly well. The "magical incantations" required by Alexa are awkward.

Other than the software, the device side seems challenging. There are $50 fully-baked POP devices. I'm less sure on the DIY front.

Also, I desperately want my house to speak to me in the voice of the NCC-1701D computer. I've read enough now to know this should be achievable with a modicum of effort via OSS voice cloning tools or training a new model (same difference except "voice cloning" seems to often refer to doing this without training a whole new model?).

Thoughts? Experiences?

I've seen several pages that have led me to conclude this is tenable:






1 comment

  1. dreamless_patio
    I'm keeping my eyes on Leon, but otherwise haven't taken the plunge into setting anything up at this point in time.

    I'm keeping my eyes on Leon, but otherwise haven't taken the plunge into setting anything up at this point in time.

    1 vote