41 votes

Proton is launching encrypted documents to take on Google Docs


  1. chocobean
    Yeah, I'll give it a swing for sure. I remember back in the early Gmail days that's what we all started doing: choosing the new and better product in order to get away from the default...

    Yeah, I'll give it a swing for sure.

    I remember back in the early Gmail days that's what we all started doing: choosing the new and better product in order to get away from the default Microsoft/Hotmail option.

    Glad alternatives exist and I hope they (non profit and/or open source ) make it big, bigger than amazon and google and any of those combined.

    12 votes
  2. TheMediumJon
    Interesting. I've been a Proton user for some time and it is great to hear that this will start rolling out, even if the feature being ported to the apps will take some time longer.


    I've been a Proton user for some time and it is great to hear that this will start rolling out, even if the feature being ported to the apps will take some time longer.

    6 votes