14 votes

The Net is a forest. It has fires. (2013)

1 comment

  1. balooga
    If it isn’t obvious, this was written 11 years ago. As a prediction, it wasn’t wrong; RSS is effectively dead and amateur blogs have all but disappeared. Nearly everything’s been consolidated into...

    If it isn’t obvious, this was written 11 years ago. As a prediction, it wasn’t wrong; RSS is effectively dead and amateur blogs have all but disappeared. Nearly everything’s been consolidated into the big platforms, to the detriment of open protocols.

    The web continues to soldier on, as it did when this was written, with little pockets of independence here and there, and I don’t think that will ever truly die. Arguably Tildes is one of those pockets. But there’s no argument that the Wild West days of the early internet aren’t severely eroded.

    The good news is, the open protocols still exist. Anyone who wants to tinker with them absolutely still can. Just that few bother to.

    14 votes