12 votes

Richard Spencer is an infamous white nationalist. Twitter says he’s not part of a hate group.

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  1. demifiend
    Twitter isn't going to ban Richard Spencer, Alex Jones, or Donald Trump until their continued presence starts costing them money instead of helping them make money. Jack Dorsey has no principles....

    Twitter isn't going to ban Richard Spencer, Alex Jones, or Donald Trump until their continued presence starts costing them money instead of helping them make money. Jack Dorsey has no principles. As a CEO under the current "profits and shareholder value uber alles" paradigm inflicted upon is by Milton Friedman, it isn't Dorsey's job to have principles unless his lack of principle proves unprofitable.

    8 votes
  2. nacho
    The exasperating thing is that journalists just don't get it. The question isn't whether or not Sepncer technically (or super obviously in this case) is a member of a hate group. The question is...

    The exasperating thing is that journalists just don't get it.

    The question isn't whether or not Sepncer technically (or super obviously in this case) is a member of a hate group.

    The question is why on Earth twitter and other social media platforms don't freaking change their rules to disallow these people from using their site.

    That's what these spokespeople should be asked, not whether or not something breaks their company policy, but whether their company policy isn't trash and why they refuse to make it better.

    Letting social media off the hook, one poorly-framed article to follow all the rest.

    7 votes
  3. Comment removed by site admin