There are such laws in some places. source: EDIT: There were actually a lot of things in place to...
There are such laws in some places.
The legal restrictions placed on advertising to children vary dramatically, based on the country in which you live. The most extreme regulations exist in Norway, Sweden and Quebec, which of whom have legal restrictions in place that have removed the right to advertise to all children. Whereas on the opposite end of the scale in the US, the marketing/advertising industry is fairly relaxed and the legal restrictions that surround advertising to children are self-regulated by advertising companies, resulting in few or zero regulations around what they can show and sell children
I just posted some OC about how the advertising industry in the US was deregulated so companies can cram your kids full of ads. I hope it's enjoyable and enlightening. Link:...
I just posted some OC about how the advertising industry in the US was deregulated so companies can cram your kids full of ads. I hope it's enjoyable and enlightening.
This doesn't surprise me. Kids don't have enough life experience to know they're being conned, so they're perfect victims for advertisers.
it really does feel like there should be some sort of law against this if there isn't already.
There are such laws in some places.
EDIT: There were actually a lot of things in place to stop this in the US. I wrote a paper about it college. You can read it here:
I just posted some OC about how the advertising industry in the US was deregulated so companies can cram your kids full of ads. I hope it's enjoyable and enlightening.