11 votes

The tiny country of Niue has taken one of Sweden's biggest internet organisations to court, claiming its internet domain name was taken over without consent.


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      Link Parent
      Here are the key passages from the article: The "we" in question is the government of Niue. Basically, they didn't understand the value of what they were signing over. The implication is that the...

      Here are the key passages from the article:

      The nation's Premier, Toke Talagi, said Niue had missed out on millions of dollars' worth of revenue because of a complicated licensing agreement over the domain.

      "We clearly, on our part, we were clueless to what the value of those things were at the time … the internet services were limited, they were slow, they were pretty much useless."

      The "we" in question is the government of Niue. Basically, they didn't understand the value of what they were signing over. The implication is that the IUSN Foundation ("Internet Users Society – Niue") took advantage of the Niue government's naiveté 20 years ago, before the significance of the internet and domain names was fully understood by people outside the IT industry. It's interesting that IUSN's sole income comes from selling .nu domains.

      I suppose it's sort of like a mining company telling local farmers they'll buy their land and promising to get rid of those pesky yellow rocks for them...

      2 votes
      1. [4]
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        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          The IUSN no longer runs the domain.

          The IIS is an independent organisation that is responsible for both the .nu domain and Sweden's .se, and says it, "acts to ensure positive development of the internet".

          It became the register for .nu in 2013, after signing a deal with the current manager, which is the IUSN Foundation

          The IUSN no longer runs the domain.

          1. [3]
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            1. [2]
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              But the IUSN doesn't "own" the deal any more, nor control the .nu domain. They signed it over to another company. If I make a contract with Company A, then Company B buys the contract from Company...

              But the IUSN doesn't "own" the deal any more, nor control the .nu domain. They signed it over to another company.

              If I make a contract with Company A, then Company B buys the contract from Company A, my contract is now with Company B.

              1. [2]
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                1. Algernon_Asimov
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                  All this to-and-fro just proves that you & I aren't lawyers. Niue's lawyers have decided to sue the IIS. I think we can trust lawyers to know how the law works.

                  All this to-and-fro just proves that you & I aren't lawyers. Niue's lawyers have decided to sue the IIS. I think we can trust lawyers to know how the law works.