10 votes

Reviews of the Royole FlexPai - the first foldable smartphone/tablet

1 comment

  1. Algernon_Asimov
    My first thought about this device is that it is neither a tablet nor a phone. It's a "phablet" - one of those horrible neither-fish-nor-fowl abominations that doesn't know what it is. It's too...

    My first thought about this device is that it is neither a tablet nor a phone. It's a "phablet" - one of those horrible neither-fish-nor-fowl abominations that doesn't know what it is. It's too big and bulky, even when folded, to be a phone, but it's too small to be a tablet.

    My second thought is that it folds the wrong way. It should close like a book, with the cover on the outside and the screen on the inside. I don't want a foldable phone, but I would love a tablet that folded shut like a book.

    I think this is intended to be a proof of concept, rather than an actual commercial device. As one of the reviewers explains, Royole was founded purely to develop flexible screen technology. They invented the 0.1mm display film used on this phone/tablet/abomination, and which is also demonstrated on shirts, hats, and handbags. I think Royole built this device primarily to sell the display technology to other phone manufacturers, rather than to sell the device to customers (although that's a nice way to recoup some of their investment). It's their way of demonstrating that their display technology works in an actual device, so other manufacturers will buy this technology from them to use in their own devices.

    6 votes