16 votes

Twitter will allow employees to work at home forever


  1. skybrian
    From the article: [...]

    From the article:

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey emailed employees on Tuesday telling them that they’d be allowed to work from home permanently, even after the coronavirus pandemic lockdown passes. Some jobs that require physical presence, such as maintaining servers, will still require employees to come in.


    Dorsey had announced the company's intent to work in a “distributed” way before the virus, but the pandemic forced the company to move the timeline up.

    In his email, Dorsey said it’s unlikely Twitter would open its offices before September, and that business travel would be canceled until then as well, with very few exceptions. The company will also cancel all in-person events for the rest of the year, and reassess its plan for 2021 later this year. Finally, Twitter upped its allowance for work from home supplies to $1,000 for all employees.

    7 votes
  2. ols
    we've also recently been told that the offices are remaining closed until September at least!

    unlikely Twitter would open its offices before September

    we've also recently been told that the offices are remaining closed until September at least!

    4 votes