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    1. Opinions on Kubernetes and Cloud-Native

      I don't want to start a flame-war around this, but I am curious to hear about other peoples opinions. I've been working in 'the cloud' for a few years now and love how convenient and easy it is to...

      I don't want to start a flame-war around this, but I am curious to hear about other peoples opinions.

      I've been working in 'the cloud' for a few years now and love how convenient and easy it is to build on. My work is 100% cloud-based, and we host absolutely nothing. From internal tooling (slack, payroll, email) to what we sell (kubernetes, orchestration, some custom-tooling).

      I'm not sure what side I stand as I still run all of my own tooling myself on a dedicated box. I love being able to have my own server to tinker with, and run my own websites/rss-aggregators/VPN servers/etc.

      Having used AWS/GoogleCloud, I can see huge value in the automation and reduction in overhead that they provide when it comes to setting up and managing infrastructure.

      I am genuinely interested in different opinions and viewpoints on the way computation and data are managed, especially with companies that deal with sensitive information.

      As an aside, I would be interested in opposing ideas regarding containerisation (ie. Docker/Rkt).

      Edit: I realise this probably should have been posted on ~comp

      4 votes