13 votes

User activity

I am really curious to see how this site grows as time goes on. Is there any way to see the amount of active/total users over the next few months? I like looking at charts lol. Maybe even a personal chart showing how each users invites branch over time also?


  1. [3]
    I'd definitely like to have some more "interesting" metrics available. I think "subscribers" is a pretty useless one, and I don't want to give it much attention for long. I'd like to move more...

    I'd definitely like to have some more "interesting" metrics available. I think "subscribers" is a pretty useless one, and I don't want to give it much attention for long. I'd like to move more towards things like "number of new topics/comments posted in this group per day" and things like that, which show actual activity levels.

    14 votes
    1. SaucedButLeaking
      Link Parent
      Collect enough metadata, and all sorts of nifty reports can be compiled. "Average posts per day per user" would be interesting. "Average word count of topics / comments" too

      Collect enough metadata, and all sorts of nifty reports can be compiled.

      "Average posts per day per user" would be interesting. "Average word count of topics / comments" too

      5 votes
    2. SpaceCowBoi
      Link Parent
      Agreed. Total subscribers is pretty useless. It's just a personal infatuation I have with data lol. A chart of active users on the other hand would be extremely useful as the site grows bigger. In...

      Agreed. Total subscribers is pretty useless. It's just a personal infatuation I have with data lol. A chart of active users on the other hand would be extremely useful as the site grows bigger. In discussion based sections it can help determine the best time to post something to reach a wider audience!

      2 votes
  2. [4]
    One way to get a rough idea of total users is checking the groups page to see how many are subscribed to ~tildes. It'd be awesome to see more in depth statistics though.

    One way to get a rough idea of total users is checking the groups page to see how many are subscribed to ~tildes.

    It'd be awesome to see more in depth statistics though.

    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      That's what I was doing, but I wasn't sure if it was possible to unsubscribe from ~tildes.

      That's what I was doing, but I wasn't sure if it was possible to unsubscribe from ~tildes.

      1. Ganymede
        Link Parent
        Looks like you can, but I assume most users won't. "Rough idea" being the key there, ha.

        Looks like you can, but I assume most users won't. "Rough idea" being the key there, ha.

        4 votes
    2. SpaceCowBoi
      Link Parent
      Good idea! I might just start logging the data each time I visit. Growth rates are interesting

      Good idea! I might just start logging the data each time I visit. Growth rates are interesting