11 votes

Suggestion: subscribe to topics/threads

I've found that it's difficult to keep track of threads I found interesting but are no longer highly active, especially without a search function. My suggested solution is the ability to subscribe to updates on a topic/thread (whatever you want to call it) and enable easy access to checking up on the thread for updates without having to receive a direct reply to my comment on the topic. If this already exists and I'm just blind, let me know!


  1. [2]
    There's a GitLab issue here if you want to track progress on this feature.

    There's a GitLab issue here if you want to track progress on this feature.

    5 votes
  2. enso
    The ability to search for threads should be coming online at some point Soon™. I think I've seen Demios say that he has a working prototype, he just wants to work out the kinks before deploying to...

    The ability to search for threads should be coming online at some point Soon™. I think I've seen Demios say that he has a working prototype, he just wants to work out the kinks before deploying to everyone.

    4 votes