10 votes

Stats for Tildes?

Someone on reddit came up with this idea:

a thread statistics page that would show the average age of accounts replying, the top subreddits those accounts use, the frequency of posted replies and how they group up

This would be interesting to see as Tildes scales up as a defensive measure against bots and brigading (once invite-only goes away...if it does)

1 comment

  1. BashCrandiboot
    Interesting idea. I think reddit could also benefit from something like an "upvote heatmap." Lately there have been so many reddit posts that have been up for like 37 minutes and then have like...

    Interesting idea. I think reddit could also benefit from something like an "upvote heatmap." Lately there have been so many reddit posts that have been up for like 37 minutes and then have like 500 upvotes and 2 comments. Maybe it's not plausible to keep track of things like that, but it really shows that the algorithm is easy to influence.

    2 votes