4 votes

Eastern Air Lines | Bankrupt

1 comment

  1. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Crazy to learn that Eddie Rickenbacker, the WW1 flying ace, actually purchased the company from GM. I knew of his exploits as a fighter pilot, but had no idea that he was a savvy businessman too....

    Crazy to learn that Eddie Rickenbacker, the WW1 flying ace, actually purchased the company from GM. I knew of his exploits as a fighter pilot, but had no idea that he was a savvy businessman too. The fact that he was also one of only 8 people to survive a crash on an Eastern Air Lines plane is also crazy too. It seems he lived quite the interesting life beyond WW1, and so now I'm going to have to read up on him some more.

    Edit: Apparently he also survived 24 days adrift at sea during WW2 after the B-17 he was flying in was forced to ditch in the Pacific Ocean!

    4 votes