7 votes

Suckers list: How Allstate’s secret auto insurance algorithm squeezes big spenders in the US

1 comment

  1. entangledamplitude
    Nice to see an explicit and non-negligible example to drive the discussion. This is an endemic problem in modern internet commerce — which breaks a fundamental rule in economics called “law of one...

    Nice to see an explicit and non-negligible example to drive the discussion. This is an endemic problem in modern internet commerce — which breaks a fundamental rule in economics called “law of one price”. A lack of competition prevents a market solution; so does non re-saleable licenses for digital products.

    It’s unnerving to imagine that these examples are not considered textbook examples of discrimination. I don’t see why price discrimination is any more acceptable. It’s one thing to provide different tiers of products/services, but it seems more sleazy to charge different people differently for the same offering.

    2 votes