3 votes George Takei: Love and justice beyond the stars Posted April 17, 2023 by cfabbro Tags: actors, george takei, personal histories, usa, history, world war ii, internment of japanese americans, hollywood, discrimination, lgbt, stereotypes, typecasting, criminalization, bars.gay, police raids, star trek, gene roddenberry, science fiction, tolerance, diversity, representation, asian americans, homophobia, stonewall riots, black cat tavern, outing, politics, volunteering, activism, reparations, closeted, brad takei, japan, equality.marriage, arnold schwarzenegger, injustice, protests, coming out, careers, howard stern, marriage, video essays, videos, matt baume, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdgMuc5DoEg Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Matt Baume Duration 27:01 Published Apr 16 2023