DrEvergreen's recent activity

  1. Comment on Why do the English love non-League football? in ~sports.football

    Link Parent
    It is likely to do with construction. England usually builds with brick and stone. Even a basic building will be more sturdy for longer than with wooden construction that is very vulnerable to...

    It is likely to do with construction. England usually builds with brick and stone. Even a basic building will be more sturdy for longer than with wooden construction that is very vulnerable to moisture and rot if not maintained.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Are there any affordable digital compact cameras out there with a zoom lens? in ~tech

    You have some extensive answers here, so I figure I'll throw in my 2 cents: Look for superzoom cameras. That is the term for cameras with fancy lenses without all the super-duper complicated inner...

    You have some extensive answers here, so I figure I'll throw in my 2 cents:

    Look for superzoom cameras.

    That is the term for cameras with fancy lenses without all the super-duper complicated inner machinery. Had the same question some years back and asked a photographer friend of mine, and this was their reply.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on My boss is being accused of sexual misconduct and I don't know what to do in ~life

    https://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2012/06/missing-stair.html I think this post might help you find definitions and words to put to your experiences and thoughts about this. It is about how people...


    I think this post might help you find definitions and words to put to your experiences and thoughts about this.

    It is about how people that commit these types of acts all to often are treated like a missing stair in a staircase, in a place that most people know well. The group often decides to not "fix the stair" but just jump around it for convenience's sake. Then someone else shows up, they don't know about the dodgy stair and step through it. What very often happens is that they are told they should have been more careful, nobody else is getting hurt like that. Or the group makes sure to always warn newcomers about the broken stair. Lots and lots of effort go into avoiding dealing with the broken stair, rather than fixing the problem by removing it and fixing it.

    Very good read.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on My boss is being accused of sexual misconduct and I don't know what to do in ~life

    Link Parent
    There is a high prevalence of abusive people in jobs and positions that let them prove to the world how unabusive they are. Virtue signalling is very real, unfortunately. I will just repeat what I...

    There is a high prevalence of abusive people in jobs and positions that let them prove to the world how unabusive they are. Virtue signalling is very real, unfortunately. I will just repeat what I wrote in a different reply:

    Predators don't just groom their victims, but their chosen character witnesses.

    All we can do is be our best selves, but also be able to acknowledge that some people are just wired differently and if proof of that shows up, we withdraw our trust in them from that point onwards. It's not on us to suspect everyone else of being bad just because some people are. It is on us to move on in life away from someone that has proven themselves to not be trustworthy.

    A whole lot of people are very believeable. But if there is actual proof that they aren't trustworthy, then we withdraw our trust. Doesn't matter if they seem so believable if hard facts say they aren't. Then we do like you have done here; seek council and support from others to deal with our own grief and/or discomfort.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on My boss is being accused of sexual misconduct and I don't know what to do in ~life

    Link Parent
    Please know that predators don't just groom their victims, but also their chosen character witnesses. They'll be a reasonable person that admits fault, shows humility, shows empathy and insight...

    Please know that predators don't just groom their victims, but also their chosen character witnesses.

    They'll be a reasonable person that admits fault, shows humility, shows empathy and insight into others, all of that.

    This is how you can tell that this was deliberate, given that you've seen proof. Since they do know how to not act like this. Yet they chose to.

    Some people are just differently wired than others. In my younger years I often tried understanding how they ended up like that. These days I just shrug my shoulders and don't care. I care more about how they do know how to behave, but choose to go after a person here and there that they think (often correctly) they can get away with harassing.

    If they didn't know what they were doing was wrong, how did they know what to hide? That's a sentiment that's stuck with me ever since I heard it. Applies to all kinds of abuse.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Easy mode is actually for adults in ~games

    Link Parent
    It depends entirely on what type of game we're talking about. FPS against other players? Games that require precise combinations or fast-paced sequences of buttons in a very short time-frame, but...

    It depends entirely on what type of game we're talking about. FPS against other players? Games that require precise combinations or fast-paced sequences of buttons in a very short time-frame, but those combos change depending on situation? I struggle a lot more now than when I was in my teens or early 20s. Especially if I am switching between different games in just a few days. Muscle memory doesn't happen as fast or switch over as easily anymore.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Apparently I'm autistic? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I love your musings. Not always aligning with my opinions, but enlightening and I see where you're coming from! I will say though that neurotypical means "typical and average neurofunctionin" -...

    I love your musings. Not always aligning with my opinions, but enlightening and I see where you're coming from!

    I will say though that neurotypical means "typical and average neurofunctionin" - don't let the overprevalence of ADHD and autistic people online using this as a buzzword convince you otherwise.

    Some 1 in 4 people will experience a period of depression throughout their lives, for example. I would classify that as within the neurotypical experience. Note the term "period of" being different from chronic. Losing a loved one for example, often causes a period of deep depression and grief. This is normal and typical.

    It is important to be aware of how us with ADHD and/or autism is extremely overrepresented online, and also in the current entertainment industry (content makers) as we often have a way about us that grabs people's attention, and/or cater to very specific interests with a great deal of intensity.

    That doesn't mean everything we take on as buzzwords is actually seen that way by most people outside of online areas.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What surprised you the most about becoming a father? in ~life.men

    Link Parent
    Are you having snacks inbetween? Low blood sugar levels often show up as grumpiness and an inability to "get over it". A.k.a. finding a better mood again. When I realised I needed a couple of...

    Are you having snacks inbetween? Low blood sugar levels often show up as grumpiness and an inability to "get over it". A.k.a. finding a better mood again.

    When I realised I needed a couple of bisquits or a fruit here and there myself and started having snacks when I would feed the kids, life was suddenly so much less about holding back my own irritability.

  9. Comment on What surprised you the most about becoming a father? in ~life.men

    Link Parent
    I believe there to be a whole lot of instincts flaring up when it comes to the newborn smell. It is unique for sure, and there is a general element that is the same with all babies, sure, but my...

    I believe there to be a whole lot of instincts flaring up when it comes to the newborn smell. It is unique for sure, and there is a general element that is the same with all babies, sure, but my own was different to me.

    I see this as nothing more than the same instincts that other animals have.

    To me, this is not making it less special, but more. The fact that even without words, without intellectualism, without anything at all to understand it by, we still are deeply attached to our own children.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Game recommendations, specifically in ~games

    Link Parent
    If you have a Netflix account, this game can be downloaded for mobile through Netflix's publisher page on both android and iphone. Free as long as you have a netflix login.

    If you have a Netflix account, this game can be downloaded for mobile through Netflix's publisher page on both android and iphone. Free as long as you have a netflix login.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on What did you change your mind about this year? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    If you want the flavour of certain liquers without the alcohol, there's always the option of putting in a few drops of drink mix liquids or other kinds of concentrate. Rum is a much used...

    If you want the flavour of certain liquers without the alcohol, there's always the option of putting in a few drops of drink mix liquids or other kinds of concentrate. Rum is a much used flavouring where I am from, but as the concentrated flavour essence, not the actual alcohol.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on What did you change your mind about this year? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I've found that the word 'forgiveness' is used in two different ways by people: One is the way where you accept what has happened, and instead of holding on to wanting to change someone or...

    I've found that the word 'forgiveness' is used in two different ways by people:

    One is the way where you accept what has happened, and instead of holding on to wanting to change someone or something, you let go of that idea and instead adapt your expectations and behaviours to account for how the situation is today. Including maybe keeping away from a person despite having forgiven them for what they have done.

    The other is being okay with what happened and not being upset with anyone about it, and going back to the way things were before. If someone breaks a loved ornament by accident, but you forgive them and your are now good friends again. That kind of forgiveness.

    Personally, I call the first kind of forgiveness "acceptance". Accepting that things are the way they are, and letting that inform my choices going forwards.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Apparently I'm autistic? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I am speaking as someone that has known about my diagnosis for over two decades, and have been treated with both medicines and therapy for about the same time, and have been an active participant...
    • Exemplary

    I am speaking as someone that has known about my diagnosis for over two decades, and have been treated with both medicines and therapy for about the same time, and have been an active participant in my local organisation for these diagnosis when I say this (but not as a professional, just to make that clear):yo

    Neurotypical most definitely exists. It is the majority of society.

    Don't think that just because most people around you in your daily life/private life is like you/us, that means the majority of society is like that too. They're not.

    This isn't a moral judgement on anyone. There is nothing good or bad about that. It just is.

    These conditions are highly hereditary. Families will often have most family members showing traits that correlate with autism or adhd, even if the individuals haven't wanted or needed particular help through assessments or diagnoses.

    They also mean that we have a slightly different way of vibing to the majority of people. This means that while there is only a small minority in society at large with autism, ADHD, and similar conditions, we find each other like magnets in a non-magnetic pile of fluff.

    As adults, there tends to be a quite obvious lumping together of neurodivergent people of our particular kind. We get along best with others like us, so where you find one of us, you will very likely find partners, friends, family with the same.

    From each our own perspective, that makes it seem like it is very prevalent since everyone around us is a lot like us. However, there is actually not that many of us.

    I don't think I've had a close friend that doesn't have either ADHD or autism, or could easily get the diagnosis should they pursue assessment, since leaving high school. I've had some work colleagues that might have been more average, but even then I've favoured sharing a luch chat with those more like me.

    It took a good few years to realise this, and when I did it was actually a grieving process I had to go through. I just wanted to be normal, average, not stand out unless I deliberately chose to do so. And I felt there was something about me that repelled "normals".

    t took a few years, but today I am fully comfortable with it being more the fact that I choose to spend my tiime and energy with people I vibe with - and that means others that show signs of autism and/or ADHD. And that is okay!

    42 votes
  14. Comment on Apparently I'm autistic? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I think it would be equally right to say that people with autistic traits often favour careers in coding, engineering and the likes.

    I think it would be equally right to say that people with autistic traits often favour careers in coding, engineering and the likes.

    8 votes
  15. Comment on Apparently I'm autistic? in ~health.mental

    Welcome to the fold. I think you will find that in online communities like these there is a much higher than average occurance of people with "alphabet diagnoses" - that is, diagnoses that are...

    Welcome to the fold.

    I think you will find that in online communities like these there is a much higher than average occurance of people with "alphabet diagnoses" - that is, diagnoses that are often shortened to a few letters. This is because computers in general, computer games and TV games, and online style communities tend to be extremely favoured by us.

    AS for autism spectrum (or Asperger's Syndrome which high functioning individuals were often diagnosed with earlier)


    OCD (extremely common co-occurance with autism, and almost as prevalent with ADHD)

    TS (Tourette's Syndrome, not to be confused with just having a tic or two, the syndrome involves more over time, random emotional outbursts - particularly angry ones - can also be a part of it. It can also be thoughts and movements, and can often have a bit of a blurred line between tics and OCD)

    Sleep disorders are also common for these conditions. Particularly delayed sleep phase, where the body doesn't produce enough melatonin to keep its own circadian rythm going and/or it happens much slower so we don't have the natural slowing down then going to sleep in the evening response that most have. If you've ever found yourself tending towards falling asleep late at night and waking "late", but an appropriate number of hours later during vacation time etc, that might be it. Other sleep disorders are also common.

    It is extremely hereditary, so chances are that you will see lots of traits in those around you too, now that you are aware of it. It may not be enough to turn into a diagnose worthy condition, but family members here and there might still exhibit signs that make more sense once "you know".

    This also means that some people struggle with getting acceptance for their or their childrens' conditions, due to family members claiming that everyone is like that. Because to them, that is exactly what it looks like.

    Birds of a feather flock together, and despite being a small minority in society, people that are neurodivergent in the autistic or adhd way often end up as friends and partners. Thus, as adults, we often tend to have "only others like this" around us to some degree.

    Be wary of tiktok and such sites for extremely bite sized info - it breeds echo chambers made from the passion of young people that feel they've discovered something new and shiny, but often ends up being more misleading than anything else.

    Despite autism and ADHD shaping our world view, and in turn our personalities to a degree, there is still a whole lot of stuff that is completely normal and not due to a diagnosis.

    The first two or so years after learning about diagnoses like these tend to be filled with a lot of introspection, looking back and reassessing and reexamining one's life, drinking up information and research like a dry sponge, and that is okay.

    16 votes
  16. Comment on Denmark set to withdraw the 1,000 kroner note, its largest denomination, from circulation by May 2025 – just 10% of payments in stores are made in cash in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Considering Norway has dismantled its FM/AM network (a few local radiostations have kept their senders up is all) in favour of DAB that either works perfectly or not at all, has dismantled their...

    Considering Norway has dismantled its FM/AM network (a few local radiostations have kept their senders up is all) in favour of DAB that either works perfectly or not at all, has dismantled their phone lines so everything is VoIP/online, is in the middle of dismantling fiber internet in favour of wireless 5G, you don't even need to take out our electricity to bring us to a non-communicating standstill. You just need to target the internet base stations.

    We won't be able to process credit card payments even, since physical credit card handling hasn't been a thing for many years. Everything is online, and payments are mostly debit to begin with.

    While I don't think getting rid of cash is the end of the world, it's more the general tendency towards being wholly dependant on a single piece of tech not going down for pretty much all our societal needs that disturbs me.

    6 votes
  17. Comment on What is your favorite type(s) of cheese? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I want you as my new best friend. I love cheese, but cannot afford, nor justify buying more of it than I do (don't). This whole post is a love story and I want to get in on it!

    I want you as my new best friend. I love cheese, but cannot afford, nor justify buying more of it than I do (don't).

    This whole post is a love story and I want to get in on it!

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Denmark set to withdraw the 1,000 kroner note, its largest denomination, from circulation by May 2025 – just 10% of payments in stores are made in cash in ~finance

    Link Parent
    There is a push towards this in Norway too, and I cannot begin to describe how much of a bad idea I find it.

    There is a push towards this in Norway too, and I cannot begin to describe how much of a bad idea I find it.

    5 votes
  19. Comment on Millions of UK households forced to unplug fridge or freezer amid rising bills in ~food

    Link Parent
    As long as people still need healthcare, food, electricity, clothes, shoes, etc then there is no such thing as truly free market. Because when you must have certain things to survive, you must....

    As long as people still need healthcare, food, electricity, clothes, shoes, etc then there is no such thing as truly free market.

    Because when you must have certain things to survive, you must. And the only thing stopping the providers from increasing their prices across the board is their own sense of shame or the law. Whichever stops the price hikes first.

    There is so much accumulated wealth in these companies, and their owners' portfolio across all manners of financial acrobatics that even if they all suddenly outpriced themselves and people just died off from lack of resources, they would still be rich enough to not be affected by that.

    22 votes
  20. Comment on Need gift ideas for a seven year old girl in ~life

    My preference is to always ask the parents, regardless of a child's age. Sometimes they have a clear idea of what the child wants or needs, sometimes they are open to pooling people's money and...

    My preference is to always ask the parents, regardless of a child's age. Sometimes they have a clear idea of what the child wants or needs, sometimes they are open to pooling people's money and get a joint present that they know their child wants/needs...

    And sometimes the kids want really odd things that most others won't get them out of a sense of wanting to do better. Like when I was told a young boy wanted toothpaste and socks. I got that, and apparently that was the bomb. Only person that actually got them that.

    3 votes