Polatrite's recent activity

  1. Comment on Daily thread for news/updates/discussion of George Floyd protests - June 6 in ~news

    Link Parent
    The template that's been laid down across the US over the last 20+ years is that they won't suffer major repercussions, and that's still a possibility in this case as well. These situations often...

    The template that's been laid down across the US over the last 20+ years is that they won't suffer major repercussions, and that's still a possibility in this case as well. These situations often look promising (in terms of achieving actual justice) during the first few days of response, but tend to swing back in the alleged offending cop's favor after the public furor dies down. The only way that real justice is accomplished in these scenarios is if the interested public sees the entire process through - not just the initial fury.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on What's your "hype song"? in ~music