SensitiveSKIN's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are some ideas for what can or should be done to facilitate kids’ independence and social life? in ~life

    (edited )
    I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’m in my mid-30’s, I have a toddler, and I had a ton of freedom as a kid — riding my bike to nearby restaurants, skateboarding around the neighborhood, etc....

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’m in my mid-30’s, I have a toddler, and I had a ton of freedom as a kid — riding my bike to nearby restaurants, skateboarding around the neighborhood, etc. It goes without saying that kids back then didn’t have phones, of course, so it was up to me to communicate with my parents where I was going ahead of time. If, for whatever reason, plans changed, I would use a payphone or the phone of a business to let them know. The obvious difference now is that there are no more payphones, and chances are that any given business probably won’t be likely to let kids use their landline.

    I’ve been thinking for a while about how I would track him once he gets a bit older. It wasn’t until recently that I considered how tracking him, while helpful for my peace of mind, would effectively erode his own independence and blossoming autonomy. I think it would also hinder the building of trust between us; if I never give him a chance to be “alone,” will I ever give myself a chance to actually trust him?

    I don’t have a good solution. Maybe an Apple Watch, but you know how kids are… who knows how long it would stay on his wrist, if it would survive a year, and so on. Also, you have to pay for an extra line for the watch. His safety is definitely worth the cost of an extra line, of course, but I wonder if the whole principle of tracking him in the first place does more harm than good.

    17 votes
  2. Comment on Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’ in ~tech

    Prepared statement or not, I knew this would be the official response. I’ve been on Reddit for over 16 years at this point, and while it’s sad to let go of a site/community which has been so...

    Prepared statement or not, I knew this would be the official response.

    I’ve been on Reddit for over 16 years at this point, and while it’s sad to let go of a site/community which has been so integral to my life for so long, I refuse to support the company when its leadership is so blind, rude, and frankly anti-user.

    I really am grateful to be on Tildes now. Obviously, it’s not the same, but the site is very reminiscent of Reddit back in the old days, and I find myself liking it more and more. I’m honestly happy to be here.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on How is your mental health? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    People are afraid of what they don’t understand — either because they don’t have firsthand experience or, at the very least, education on any given subject. I can only imagine how much it must...

    People are afraid of what they don’t understand — either because they don’t have firsthand experience or, at the very least, education on any given subject. I can only imagine how much it must suck to feel targeted for just trying to be yourself.

    It’s easy for me to say as an ally, but just try to keep your chin up. There will (sadly) always be closed-minded bigots, but there are also (happily) people who support your ability to do as you please.

    4 votes