Staross's recent activity

  1. Comment on How to get into photography? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    Looks pretty good. Some are a bit dark, you can increase the exposure or play with the tone curve or shadow/highlight module. Also if you press 9 you can toggle the background color, it should be...

    Looks pretty good. Some are a bit dark, you can increase the exposure or play with the tone curve or shadow/highlight module. Also if you press 9 you can toggle the background color, it should be on gray but it's good to check on a white background, if the image is dark it's gonna look a bit dull compared the the white.

    Also note that if you want views in flickr you have to add your pictures into groups.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on WAYFARER - To Enter My House Justified (2023) in ~music

    I listened to it quite a bit when it came out, it's catchy but I got bored of it relatively quickly. It's fresh and solid but not amazing.

    I listened to it quite a bit when it came out, it's catchy but I got bored of it relatively quickly. It's fresh and solid but not amazing.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on How to get into photography? in ~hobbies

    Shoot in RAW and get a raw editing software, I would recommend ART, it's a bit easier than RawTherapee I think :

    Shoot in RAW and get a raw editing software, I would recommend ART, it's a bit easier than RawTherapee I think :

    Learning the basic is good but don't focus too much on technicalities (full auto will get you far, specially in raw), composition and light are very important for the final look. There's a lot of good videos on youtube but for beginner I would focus on :

    1. Have a clear subject in your shots (beginners often take "snaps" of nothing in particular)
    2. Mind your edges (having random stuff at the edge of the frame)
    3. Move around when taking a picture (don't rely too much on zoom)
    4. Try to simplify your image by including not too many elements
    5. Watch some youtubes.

    If you're into that kind of stuff consider getting a fast (large aperture, e.g. f2) manual lens, personally it was what really got me into photography (it's fun). My Flickr for reference :

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Discussing AI music - examples and some thoughts in ~tech

    I think the real value will come by integrating these ML tools in a daw format that gives you proper creative controls (like stable-diffusion for Krita), does this a little bit...

    I think the real value will come by integrating these ML tools in a daw format that gives you proper creative controls (like stable-diffusion for Krita), does this a little bit but it's not quite there. Imagine a drumkit generator where you can automate the latent space, automatic transcription that works, humanizer, etc ...

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Udio | AI music generator in ~music

    Hopefully we get open-source tools that can be integrated into a DAW workflow at some point.

    Hopefully we get open-source tools that can be integrated into a DAW workflow at some point.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Must see touring artists? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I think they came in my town once, I didn't go but could hear the vibration from outside xD I'll keep an eye for them.

    I think they came in my town once, I didn't go but could hear the vibration from outside xD I'll keep an eye for them.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Must see touring artists? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I've seen she's touring in Europe, but dates aren't so good for me sadly.


    I've seen she's touring in Europe, but dates aren't so good for me sadly.

  8. Must see touring artists?

    What artists are touring currently or in the near future that are really good ? Recently I've seen Ne Obliviscaris, Marcus Miller & Chelsea Wolfe that were awesome, super professional, skilled...

    What artists are touring currently or in the near future that are really good ? Recently I've seen Ne Obliviscaris, Marcus Miller & Chelsea Wolfe that were awesome, super professional, skilled musicians with good show(wo)man ship. I try to follow stuff on songkick but I often miss out.

    13 votes
  9. Comment on Generative AI for Krita in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Krita is more digital art oriented with advanced brushes and workflow tailored for tablet use, but at this point it can do most thing GIMP can with a better interface, maybe some filters are not...

    Krita is more digital art oriented with advanced brushes and workflow tailored for tablet use, but at this point it can do most thing GIMP can with a better interface, maybe some filters are not available but I'm not totally sure.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Generative AI for Krita in ~tech

    This plugin for SD in Krita is awesome, it allows you to draw and get "instant" (pretty quick) generations from your drawing. I find having it in a full fledge art software instead of a hacky web...

    This plugin for SD in Krita is awesome, it allows you to draw and get "instant" (pretty quick) generations from your drawing. I find having it in a full fledge art software instead of a hacky web control center really change the dynamic, you can use the generation just to refine your drawing, it will fix your pose and proportion, show you the muscle, it's fun and makes you want to draw, etc. It's a great learning tool and it makes you feel much more in control than prompt based systems. It's also very well integrated in Krita and easy to setup. I think we're getting pretty close to the "end-product" for that type of models with this.

    Some quick sketches I've made :

    16 votes
  11. Comment on Hermeto Pascoal - Música da Lagoa (Sinfonia do Alto Ribeira, 1985) in ~music

    I've been blessed by youtube's algorithm today.

    I've been blessed by youtube's algorithm today.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tildes

    Given that it's still in "invite-only alpha" with very little development, no promotion and no clear future plan it's not surprising it's not thriving. If anything it's surprising it's still so...

    Given that it's still in "invite-only alpha" with very little development, no promotion and no clear future plan it's not surprising it's not thriving. If anything it's surprising it's still so active, although reddit being so bad certainly helps (some lost users randomly end up here via word of mouth).

    13 votes
  13. Comment on The Assist - Thoughts on AI coding assistants in ~comp

    I think another aspect is short time vs long term, I feel like LLM can help you to go quick early on at the price of long term learning. E.g. compare starting from code LLM snippet and toying with...

    I think another aspect is short time vs long term, I feel like LLM can help you to go quick early on at the price of long term learning. E.g. compare starting from code LLM snippet and toying with them vs reading the doc.

  14. Comment on What AI tools are you actually using? in ~tech

    (edited )
    I've played with Stable Diffusion and local LLMs but I find them too limited still, I have zero trust in LLMs (too many mistakes) so I have to double check everything and it's not really saving...

    I've played with Stable Diffusion and local LLMs but I find them too limited still, I have zero trust in LLMs (too many mistakes) so I have to double check everything and it's not really saving time. Although for code translation from one language to another it was marginally useful. Document retrieval was useless. Stable diffusion is great for one shot images but you can't do much more that (e.g. I tried to train a lora for a character but it's pretty limited). Audio stuff is also quite limited and sounds so so. Unironically the best use case is erotica.

    If I have some boring admin letter to write I might use a GPT though.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Jacques - Porte s'ouvre (2022) in ~music

    Link Parent
    Yeah youtube recommended it to me, that's how I know him.

    Yeah youtube recommended it to me, that's how I know him.

  16. Comment on Jacques - Porte s'ouvre (2022) in ~music

    Some good French pop that didn't had much success it seems, even though it's better that most of the country's production.

    Some good French pop that didn't had much success it seems, even though it's better that most of the country's production.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Learning new programming languages with limited time: Rust, golang, or otherwise? in ~comp

    You could try Julia : ++ Somewhat different paradigm with multiple dispatch, something new to learn compared to other language ++ Package/environment manager (you can organize your code into...

    You could try Julia :

    ++ Somewhat different paradigm with multiple dispatch, something new to learn compared to other language
    ++ Package/environment manager (you can organize your code into packages and even have a local package registry)
    ++ Interactivity (REPL is super good)
    ++ Fun and easy (to some extend)

    -- Limited compilation capabilities at the moment
    -- Lack of libraries outside of scientific computing

    4 votes