bonbon's recent activity

  1. Comment on Modern IDEs are magic. Why are so many coders still using Vim and Emacs? in ~comp

    The only modern IDE I prefer to use is VSCode, and in that case, I still use Vim key bindings since I've become used to editing in vim. The reason I use VSCode is because it's the fastest modern...

    The only modern IDE I prefer to use is VSCode, and in that case, I still use Vim key bindings since I've become used to editing in vim. The reason I use VSCode is because it's the fastest modern IDE with autocomplete (which is all I really need). I could try to configure my vim setup with whatever language servers I need, but for the time being, VSCode works.

  2. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    I hadn't posted back in January, but most of my time this year has been working on making a generalized monte-carlo tree search algorithm written in golang. Recently, however, I've been learning...

    I hadn't posted back in January, but most of my time this year has been working on making a generalized monte-carlo tree search algorithm written in golang. Recently, however, I've been learning more popular web technologies, such as reactjs, node and typescript. With those, I'm making a clone (except with connect 4) to learn how to work with them.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I did a version 2 for gmcts! Biggest change is an api change to reduce garbage collection. For example, this package can now search through a game of chess twice as fast due to gc reductions!

    I did a version 2 for gmcts! Biggest change is an api change to reduce garbage collection. For example, this package can now search through a game of chess twice as fast due to gc reductions!

    1 vote
  4. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    As someone that's been on the lookout for research into FHE, I find this fascinating! I've been trying to read through their source code to figure out how the encryption scheme works, but all I've...

    As someone that's been on the lookout for research into FHE, I find this fascinating! I've been trying to read through their source code to figure out how the encryption scheme works, but all I've learned so far is matricies and tensors. I guess it's time to learn about tensors and what they are.

  5. Comment on Recommendations to learn SQL? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This is a good book to read. I highly recommend reading this if you want a fun introduction to databases.

    This is a good book to read. I highly recommend reading this if you want a fun introduction to databases.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Good luck! I've heard Flask is pretty good to use for making sites. You should have a good time using it :^)

    Good luck! I've heard Flask is pretty good to use for making sites. You should have a good time using it :^)

    2 votes
  7. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    What's the library called? Never heard of hypergraphs, but I'm always down for learning some new maths :^)

    What's the library called? Never heard of hypergraphs, but I'm always down for learning some new maths :^)

    3 votes
  8. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Because you'll be using Hugo, it might be a good idea to learn go templates. I know they're used if you want to make your own website layout, but if you'd rather not go that route, then you'll be...

    Because you'll be using Hugo, it might be a good idea to learn go templates. I know they're used if you want to make your own website layout, but if you'd rather not go that route, then you'll be fine just picking a template someone else has made.

    Other than that, you should def checkout the http package. Go makes it too easy to start up a web server!

    4 votes
  9. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I recently pushed v1.1.0 of gmcts, my monte-carlo tree search implementation in golang. It includes a number of improvements to memory, speed, and decision-making. The main change to the api is...

    I recently pushed v1.1.0 of gmcts, my monte-carlo tree search implementation in golang. It includes a number of improvements to memory, speed, and decision-making. The main change to the api is the ability to set the exploration constant of a tree, which is useful for fine-tuning.

    Other than that, all of the changes come from within. It includes better support for concurrency, a better UCT algorithm for better decision making, and some memory improvements. v1.1.0 is also fully deterministic with/without concurrency (running the same program will produce the same results)! Overall, v1.1.0 uses less resources and runs much faster than before.

    I've already got ideas for a v2, but I still have features that I want implemented before I move onto v2. Namely, I want an option to set the UCT formula that gets used during simulations for v1.2.0 (the ones listed in this paper). I'm sure I had some other ideas, but with my lack of notes, I'll have to rely on my mind to remember them (o^_^o ).

    5 votes
  10. Comment on Are There Problems That Computers Can't Solve? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I was just scrolling through ~comp, finding interesting posts. I didn't event know this thread was over a week old (also, I might be bad at replying to comments in a timely manner 0_o). Glad to...

    I was just scrolling through ~comp, finding interesting posts. I didn't event know this thread was over a week old (also, I might be bad at replying to comments in a timely manner 0_o).

    Glad to hear that the play helped you out. I thought it was absurd when I first found it (to be fair, they call themselves the Theatre of the Reductio ad Absurdum), but it does a really good job at giving a different perspective on how to think about the problem.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Are There Problems That Computers Can't Solve? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    There are plenty of videos that look at this problem, and plenty of explanations. Computerphile has done two videos on the topic. If those videos don't help, this 3 act play on the halting problem...

    There are plenty of videos that look at this problem, and plenty of explanations. Computerphile has done two videos on the topic. If those videos don't help, this 3 act play on the halting problem might help you out.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Let's give some love to indies! What's your favourite indie game? in ~games

    140 and THOTH are some great minimalist indie works! I recommend 140 for its incredible integration of gameplay and soundtrack, and THOTH if you want a tough minimalist twin-stick shooter.

    140 and THOTH are some great minimalist indie works! I recommend 140 for its incredible integration of gameplay and soundtrack, and THOTH if you want a tough minimalist twin-stick shooter.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I recently finished a project that I've been wanting to do for a long time now called gmcts. gmcts is a Monte-Carlo Tree Search Implementation written in Golang. For those that don't know, MCTS is...

    I recently finished a project that I've been wanting to do for a long time now called gmcts. gmcts is a Monte-Carlo Tree Search Implementation written in Golang.

    For those that don't know, MCTS is a search algorithm, mostly used for games, that uses randomness to find good actions. Essentially, it plays thousands of random games to determine which action is good. This algorithm is so good at what it does that it became the backbone for many go playing programs, including AlphaGo.

    I like this algorithm because it is domain-independent, therefore, I can make use of a Game interface that the implementation uses to get information like the next game state, a list of actions to consider, and winning players in terminal states.

    There's still a lot of work I want to do on this project. Right now, the implementation is only designed for deterministic, perfect-information games, and the simulation of games is very tied down, choosing good and bad moves equally likely (you can't get AlphaGo levels of optimization with this implementation). Even so, I've released v1.0.1 for anyone to try on their game implementations!

    5 votes