bsoholic's recent activity

  1. Comment on What vegetable are you? in ~food

    It say's I'm a Napa Cabbage.

    It say's I'm a Napa Cabbage.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on How have you embarrassed yourself recently? in ~talk

    The other day I was stuck behind a giant SUV making a right turn at a red light. The light turned green and it just sat there, I tapped the horn, thinking they were on their phone or something....

    The other day I was stuck behind a giant SUV making a right turn at a red light. The light turned green and it just sat there, I tapped the horn, thinking they were on their phone or something. Didn't work, they kept sitting there not going on green. So I laid on the horn just blasting it, only to then see an old lady slowly crossing the crosswalk from the other side that I couldn't see because of the huge vehicle. Felt pretty stupid at getting mad at someone for letting an old lady cross the road.

    39 votes