jwrbrtn's recent activity
Comment on Yearly theme 2025 - The year of focus in ~talk
Comment on Lost media in ~talk
jwrbrtn This is one of my favorite videos I've seen on the topic: The 10-Year Hunt for the Lost McDonald's DS Game.This is one of my favorite videos I've seen on the topic: The 10-Year Hunt for the Lost McDonald's DS Game.
Comment on An audacious plan to halt the Internet's enshittification - Cory Doctorow in ~tech
jwrbrtn Platform decay. Platform decay is the result of firms undisciplined by either competition or regulation and thus free to abuse their users and business customers without the fear of defection or...
My theme for 2025 is adaptability. I've noticed that in the years since COVID I've started adhering to rigid planning and schedules. In short, I've become a bit of a control freak. As a result I've found my self increasingly stressed when plans deviate and also shying away from spontaneity. This means saying yes to more things when opportunities arise and also trying things I haven't done before, don't fully know what will happen and don't necessarily have control over.