Rocket_Man's recent activity

  1. Comment on Kagi is announcing AI Assistant in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This isn't specific to merch but modern fashion overall. Almost anywhere you go your clothes will be low quality and involve worker abuse. It's just the world we live in. You can get high quality...

    This isn't specific to merch but modern fashion overall. Almost anywhere you go your clothes will be low quality and involve worker abuse. It's just the world we live in. You can get high quality and more ethical clothes but they're hard to find. I just wouldn't put that as a negative towards merch specifically.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on End of the road: An AnandTech farewell in ~tech

    This is very sad but also not unexpected. Their output slowed a couple years ago. The normal publishing industry just doesn't work anymore. They'd need a presence on YouTube like gamers nexus to...

    This is very sad but also not unexpected. Their output slowed a couple years ago. The normal publishing industry just doesn't work anymore. They'd need a presence on YouTube like gamers nexus to be successful I think.

    14 votes
  3. Comment on Meditation and mindfulness have a dark side that we don't talk about in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Fair enough, if I ever end up looking for more studies I'll be sure to make a post on Tildes. It is an interesting topic to me.

    Fair enough, if I ever end up looking for more studies I'll be sure to make a post on Tildes. It is an interesting topic to me.

  4. Comment on Google threatened tech influencers unless they 'preferred' the Pixel in ~tech

    LTT talked about this on their wan show and it seemed like this was poor language targeted at "Brand Ambassadors" which are supposed to biased towards Pixel and not in any way objective. Seemed...

    LTT talked about this on their wan show and it seemed like this was poor language targeted at "Brand Ambassadors" which are supposed to biased towards Pixel and not in any way objective. Seemed like they wanted to avoid influencers posting things like "I love the Pixel 9, it's amazing! #TeamPixel sent from an iPhone"

    16 votes
  5. Comment on Meditation and mindfulness have a dark side that we don't talk about in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    There are certainly definitions that exist, but like this study they are often mentioned and then not actively used in any practical way. But that's only one issue. For the two meta analysis...

    There are certainly definitions that exist, but like this study they are often mentioned and then not actively used in any practical way. But that's only one issue. For the two meta analysis studies I could access the the issue is that they are comparing against passive groups.

    The argument against mindfulness and meditation is that it's really just relaxation. Which is a stress reducing activity. To change my mind I'd want to see a study or meta-analysis looking at a different stress reduction strategies including simple undirected relaxation compared with meditation and mindfulness where specific protocols are followed and compared.

    That way we can actually tease out if the person following the protocol and therefore being 'mindful' is actually receiving a benefit from their actions of from simply relaxing in a peaceful environment.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I've been playing Steamworld Heist and it's been a good time. It's not the most difficult or interesting game. But for like $4 it's a neat world and a good game loop that keeps me entertained for...

    I've been playing Steamworld Heist and it's been a good time. It's not the most difficult or interesting game. But for like $4 it's a neat world and a good game loop that keeps me entertained for 20 min at a time.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Meditation and mindfulness have a dark side that we don't talk about in ~health.mental

    Just to put it out there, but Meditation and 'Mindfulness' don't really seem to be a thing in actual research. It's basically just relaxation. Studies often ignore confounding variables and lack...

    Just to put it out there, but Meditation and 'Mindfulness' don't really seem to be a thing in actual research. It's basically just relaxation. Studies often ignore confounding variables and lack clear definitions or protocols for meditation or mindfulness.

    For example, in this case it's an online survey lumping together pretty much any type of 'meditation'. It doesn't verify compliance with any specific protocol. It also doesn't look at any confounding variables for anxiety, depression, or anything else. So at it's best you can say 'X% of people surveyed online reported a negative impact on their life after a loosely themed 'meditation' intervention'.

    Which isn't very useful if only for the fact that somebody interested in and seeking out something like 'meditation' might already be unsatisfied and dealing with things. I really hate studies like this, a complete waste of time and money. It doesn't go very fear in providing evidence for or against meditation practices. It's pretty much just completely useless.

    7 votes
  8. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Ive recently finished Harold Halibut and it's was a valuable experience. The art style is great and the world is interesting. There's a lot of meaning in it. But the gameplay itself is pretty...

    Ive recently finished Harold Halibut and it's was a valuable experience. The art style is great and the world is interesting. There's a lot of meaning in it. But the gameplay itself is pretty basic, traveling takes way too long, and overall I think the story is too long. I was getting a bit sick of it by the end simply because the gameplay wasn't engaging.

    All that being said I would still recommend it.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on The magic of tabletop crowdfunding is dying in ~games.tabletop

    As someone who doesn't really play these games, is there a direct need for new development? Isn't there a large backlog of games that could be played?

    As someone who doesn't really play these games, is there a direct need for new development? Isn't there a large backlog of games that could be played?

    8 votes
  10. Comment on Does anybody know why transactions don't include metadata about the products bought? in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Very good info, thanks for the write-up. I suppose it is just pretty complex to get multiple systems working together. Similar problem to tracing coffee/tea back to ti's origin. But I do get the...

    Very good info, thanks for the write-up. I suppose it is just pretty complex to get multiple systems working together. Similar problem to tracing coffee/tea back to ti's origin. But I do get the impression financial system has a lot of room for improvement/innovation. I suppose it just takes time.

    4 votes
  11. Does anybody know why transactions don't include metadata about the products bought?

    It's 2024 if I remember correctly and budgeting is a fairly common practice. Companies are obsessed with data. Yet when I got to the store and buy a videogame, dap drywall joint compount, and 3...

    It's 2024 if I remember correctly and budgeting is a fairly common practice. Companies are obsessed with data. Yet when I got to the store and buy a videogame, dap drywall joint compount, and 3 avocados the transactions is just the store and the amount. It'd be nice if I could track what I've been buying, categories them into entertainment, home improvement, and groceries respectively.

    I'm guessing this information actually is tracked but is only used for marketing purposes. But I'm curious, does anyone have more information on why transactions can't at least optionally support extra metadata about what was actually bought?

    19 votes
  12. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    This is crazy. what did you expect? I assume you looked things up beforehand and knew it would be slow, expensive, and annoying. So why do it? You realize those urban activists advocate for better...
    • Exemplary

    This is crazy. what did you expect? I assume you looked things up beforehand and knew it would be slow, expensive, and annoying. So why do it? You realize those urban activists advocate for better public transport and walkable cities because those things generally aren't acceptable right now?

    I would never try and get around without a car where I currently live. But when I visited Pittsburgh it was a dream. The bus service was easy to use from my phone, had up to date time information, and seemed to always have a stop within a 10-15 minute walk. It was great, and that's Pittsburgh which is generally considered to have a meh public transport system.

    238 votes
  13. Comment on PC gaming is mainstream. Now what? in ~games

    I don't think PC gaming is 'mainstream' quite yet. The average person doesn't really understand what it is. Where as console gaming is widely understood and respected as a thing to do by most folks.

    I don't think PC gaming is 'mainstream' quite yet. The average person doesn't really understand what it is. Where as console gaming is widely understood and respected as a thing to do by most folks.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on A eulogy for DevOps in ~comp

    I've been feeling some of these issues and in general I'm currently feeling like the ideal team is a small set of people with broad responsibilities would work best. I.e. 3-4 developers with...

    I've been feeling some of these issues and in general I'm currently feeling like the ideal team is a small set of people with broad responsibilities would work best. I.e.

    • 3-4 developers with specialties in CI/CD, Instrumentation, IaC, etc.
    • 2 QAs with specialties in IaC, Automation
    • 1 Dedicated Technical writer with real domain knowledge
    • 1 DevOps/SRE with a Specialty in Security, deployment techniques, etc.

    Then of course the over arching organization should provide support for documentation style expectations, compliance needs, release documentation/processes, and service requirements.

    I left off a product manager and engineering manager because I'm not really sure how important they are. In my experience product managers absolutely suck, lack creativity, and don't lead to innovative products. But the need to interface and translate the needs of 'stakeholders' is important. Similarly, an engineering manager can help organize work, and make controversial decisions. But how that all works idk.

    9 votes
  15. Comment on The controversy of carbon footprints in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    In a similar vein, it's also important to realize companies are made up of people and influenced by the culture of the people that make it up. If society as a whole embraced reducing carbon output...

    In a similar vein, it's also important to realize companies are made up of people and influenced by the culture of the people that make it up. If society as a whole embraced reducing carbon output as a value companies would be more likely to choose environmentally friendly policies.

    9 votes
  16. Comment on Microsoft postpones Windows Recall after major backlash in ~tech

    Link Parent
    A couple of points Recall isn't a backup system, it's a semantic history of your activities on a single PC. Microsoft did re-architect their entire app ecosystem with WinRT which introduced apps...

    A couple of points

    1. Recall isn't a backup system, it's a semantic history of your activities on a single PC.
    2. Microsoft did re-architect their entire app ecosystem with WinRT which introduced apps that had protected files, permissions requirements, and are fully sandboxed. People hated it for a couple of reasons, but the file security being one of them. People want apps to have full power to do whatever they want, so they can modify the OS, add mods, etc.
    3. Schools buy Chrombooks due to marketing, cost, and being locked down for other reasons than security.

    I'm also personally not convinced recall is going to be useful. I've very rarely needed to find content that I remember but can't locate.

    10 votes
  17. Comment on A big new facility built to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere opened up in Iceland. It's a stepping stone to bigger plans in the US. in ~enviro

    These are a waste of time and in some cases are funded by oil and gas to pretend they're doing something about CO2. These plants capture a negligible amount of CO2, take a lot of resources, to...

    These are a waste of time and in some cases are funded by oil and gas to pretend they're doing something about CO2. These plants capture a negligible amount of CO2, take a lot of resources, to build and run, and generally suck ass.

    We don't need technological innovation to solve the climate crisis. We just need to reduce our carbon usage and increase our carbon capture. The second of which can be done by de-developing land, supporting local ecosystems, reducing land for animal's and their feed (promoting veganisms/reduced meat consumption), reverse soil erosion by requiring permaculture farming practices.

    In general nature is great at capturing carbon and we should support that as much as possible instead of focusing on these direct carbon capture ideas that show no evidence of affordably working at any significant scale.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on Microsoft closes Redfall developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda in ~games

    I think this is going to be a turning point for Xbox and specifically Phil Spencer. Hi-Fi rush was critically acclaimed and was very successful on Game Pass, Phil's one big win. If Hi-Fi rush...

    I think this is going to be a turning point for Xbox and specifically Phil Spencer. Hi-Fi rush was critically acclaimed and was very successful on Game Pass, Phil's one big win. If Hi-Fi rush isn't seen as valuable to the company I don't think Game Pass is as valuable to the company as Microsoft thinks. Once that becomes more apparent, I think it'll force Phil to step down and we'll get new and probably radically different leadership from Xbox.

    8 votes
  19. Comment on The Intel NUC replacement is here! GEEKOM MiniAir 12 review in ~tech

    I find these mini-pcs really interesting. They're much more optimized for performance/watt even when Intel's N100 seems to dominate the lineup. The channel does a good job comparing them and...

    I find these mini-pcs really interesting. They're much more optimized for performance/watt even when Intel's N100 seems to dominate the lineup. The channel does a good job comparing them and giving a good overview of what each does well.

    3 votes