teo's recent activity

  1. Comment on Do you use an RSS reader? in ~tech

    (edited )
    I've been using feed readers since about 2010 or so? Not exactly sure, but I remember using Google Reader for a few years before it was shut down. Initially I was using it mostly for various...

    I've been using feed readers since about 2010 or so? Not exactly sure, but I remember using Google Reader for a few years before it was shut down.

    Initially I was using it mostly for various webcomics, before that I would check each webcomic for updates each day.
    Once I started reading my comics through Google Reader I started noticing the RSS/Atom icon on blogs and stuff and started adding more and more blogs.

    After Google Reader was killed I tried a number of different readers, but nothing really stuck for long.
    The reader I used the longest was newsbeuter / newsboat, a command line based reader.
    I was overall satisfied by newsboat, but I wanted to use the same feed and everything on my PC, phone and tablet.

    But none of the commerical or self-hostable readers ticked all my boxes, so three years ago I wrote my own feed reader and have been using that since.
    It is very barebones, but it does exactly what I need, nothing more and nothing less. (though a rewrite is probably happening soon)
    Although it is more of a link aggregator rather than a reader I suppose.
    I much prefer visiting websites for their content rather than consuming everything through the reader itself.

    Other than that I use it for:

    • 15 programming and game related blogs
    • 30 or so web novels
    • as a substitute for my youtube subscription feed (80 channels)
    • also as a substitute for my nebula subscription feed (10 channels)
    • for one singular podcast that updates like twice a year
    • for the three webcomics that I still read

    I don't use it for any news outlets or anything that updates daily, if something does update that frequently and I care enough then I'll just check the website itself. Not that there's many website I do that for.

    The youtube feeds have been a pain the ass by the way.
    A few times now with no changes on my side youtube will start timing out my request.
    The only solution has been to increase the time waited between refreshing the youtube feeds.

    But other than some minor hiccups, it's been good and I'd probably just not read a lot of the websites I follow if RSS/Atom feeds did not exist.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on What video games have had you taking real-life notes? in ~games

    Strange Horticulture is a puzzle game about identifying and using plants. There is an in-game book that gives you plenty of information on the plants, but keeping my own notes in addition helped a...

    Strange Horticulture is a puzzle game about identifying and using plants. There is an in-game book that gives you plenty of information on the plants, but keeping my own notes in addition helped a lot and made the game much more enjoyable.

    1 vote